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Why It Is Necessary To Inscribe Your Medals and Badges

(This Information Site is Continually Updated.)

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    • Why Inscribe your Medals and Badges
    • Where to Inscribe your information
    • What Information Should be Inscribed
    • What to do if there is no open space on the back of a Medal or Badge
    • What to do with military items you found

    Why Inscribe your Medals and Badges

    Should you lose an Award, or if it is stolen, or if after your passing it is mis-distributed among your descendants or non-descendants, the proper owner can be located from the information in your inscription.

    Additionally, identifiable pre-owned military decoration Hardwear in the possession of retailers or sellers who acquire any Hardwear without the consent or knowledge of a proper owner can be made aware to federal or law enforcement authorities for recovery and proper reassignment to a living owner or to a confirmed relative (on a first-come basis.)

    Where to Inscribe your information

    All inscriptions should be on the backs of Medals and Badges

    What Information Should be Inscribed

    This depends on the amount of free space on the back of your Medal or Badge. In all cases, use any available space to inscribe...

    • Your First Name, Middle Initial, Last name, Serial Number or Partial Social Security Number (Last four digits of the Social Security Number)
      (NOTE: Serial Numbers and Partial Social Security Numbers should be preceded by the letters "SN" or "PSN" as applicable.)
    • Or, Your last name, first name and SN or PSN
    • Or, if space is limited, your Initials and SN or PSN
    • Or, if space is severely limited, your SN or PSN

    What to do if there is no open space on the back of a Medal or Badge

    Produce a small, rectangular metal plate containing pointed spurs on each end that allows the spurs to be folded back and pierced through the back of the Ribbon portion of your award. (Forced removal of this plate will expose holes in the fabric indicating the plate was removed to hide a true owner's identity. Obvious removal clearly indicates the current possessor may have obtained the item fraudulently, or at the very least, without the knowledge or consent of the true owner.)

    Special Thanks to Corporal Philip G. Ledonne, Combat Medic (32nd IR, Korea) for recommending this Information Bulletin

    Contact Person for this posting: Roger Simpson, PIO
    Public Information Office:
    The American War Library:
    817 East Via Carmelitos
    Virginia Building 319 Long Beach CA 90805-7549
    Phone and Fax 1-562-422-4100 (Pacific Time Zone)
    Email The American War Library

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  • This website established 12 April 2012