SURVEY: Should Congress Create a Civilian Version of the Purple Heart
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Should Congress Create a Civilian Version of the Purple Heart?

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You are encouraged to inform your elected member of the House of Representatives and Senate of this Survey.

TOPIC: In recent years following the growth of the internet there have been an increasing number of US veterans illegally 'awarding' one or more of their lawful military medals to a person who does not qualify for recipientship under US military law. Be it for reasons of obtaining personal publicity, or profit, or some other gainful motive, these veterans are not only violating US military law, usurping both Congress and US military commanders by unilaterally granting themselves personal authority to decide who is eligible for a military award even though nothing in any US military award legislation gives a lawful military recipient the personal right to re-award their medal to another, and especially not to a civilian.

The Purple Heart medal is America's oldest military award. It was created by America's first President, George Washington, to acknowledge American soldiers and sailors who are wounded or killed by enemy action in combat. No other award or re-award of the US military Purple Heart is justified to any other person. Only a combat medic has the authority to authorize award of the Purple Heart to an injured military member. Only a military commander has the authority to authorize the Purple Heart to a military member who was killed.

QUESTION 1/3: Should Congress enact a new law creating a civilian version of the US military Purple Heart award to be authorized to civilians wounded or killed in a foreign or domestic terrorist attack?


QUESTION 2/3: Should America's congressionally chartered veterans organizations begin immediately to author legislation establishing a civilian Purple Heart medal to be presented to all 500-plus members of the House and Senate for passage?


QUESTION 3/3: Should a lawful recipient of the Purple Heart medal be investigated and prosecuted for any degree of 'fame or fortune' they receive that is directly related to their re-awarding their Purple Heart to another person?


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Contact person for this Survey:
Roger Simpson, Public Information Office
The American War Library
817 East Via Carmelitos
Virginia Building 319
Long Beach CA 90805-7549

Telephone: 1-562-422-4100

This website established 052319