Survey: Could Operation Iraqi Freedom have been waged differently to be successful long ago?

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  Could Operation Iraqi Freedom have been waged differently to be successful long ago?

TOPIC: General George S. Patton waged heroic combat against some of the most hardened German divisions in the Middle East to defeat all enemy opposition and pacify the entire region to make it commercially viable in less than three months. Today, five years after the start of Iraqi Freedom -- and four commanders later -- the US and Coalition forces still have not arrested enemy opposition nor established a commercial environment in which Iraqi oil on the market would immediately lower gas prices and relieve financial pressures on the world market.

QUESTION 1/10: Do you feel the current and previous U.S. Army commanders in charge of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 to 2008) were equal in competency and ability to General George S. Patton (1943)?


QUESTION 2/10: Who do you feel is more responsible for the Iraq war's continuation that has lasted longer than the European and Pacific theater wars in WWII?

    The Commander in Chief
    The Generals

QUESTION 3/10: Are you disappointed that the war in Iraq has so far last five years with no apparent end in sight?


QUESTION 4/10: General Petrayus' "urban warfare" experience was on paper (he wrote a research paper) and not in real combat experience. Should senior American military commanders assigned to head military missions be required to have actual real-life or observer experience before claiming to be an 'expert' in certain combat operations?


QUESTION 5/10: Some in our military now believe the Iraq War was deliberately intended to last for years in order to keep Iraq's oil off the market so that nations such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and others in the Middle East could maximize their oil profits based on limited oil supply. Do you believe this reason might explain why we have not had a decisive end of the war long before now?


QUESTION 6/10: Should the Draft be reinstituted to provide a large number of American troops for Iraq duty to end the war once and for all?


QUESTION 7/10: Should females be allowed to served on the front lines in Iraq to provide larger numbers of infrantrymen on the ground so that the war can be brought to a swifter, successful conclusion?


QUESTION 8/10: Knowing all that you now know about the war in Iraq and WMD, if the clock could be turned back to March 19th, 2003 would you support the decision by George W. Bush to invade Iraq?


QUESTION 9/10: One presidiential candidate stated yesterday that American should remain fighting in Iraq for another "hundred years" if that is what it takes to finally win the war. Do you agree with that candidate??

    No, we should leave immediately after the next president is elected
    No, we should leave gradually, but within one year after the next president is elected

ITEM 10/10: And please note my comment...

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