Survey: Were Vietnam malaria pills responsible for Vietnam vet illnesses?
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Were Vietnam malaria pills responsible for Vietnam vet illnesses?

TOPIC: Medical scientists believe that the anti-malaria pills taken by soldiers who served overseas between 1999 and 2002 might be responsible for behavioral problems, personality disorders and inability to control emotions and actions. Do you think that the malaria pills taken by Vietnam War personnel might be responsible for some of their similar ailments?

Did you serve in Vietnam or the Indochina Theater during the Vietnam War era (1955 through 1975)?
    Yes No

Did you take the orange malaria tablets prescribed for weekly intake?
    Yes No

Do you belief or suspect that the anti-malaria pills you and other GI's took might be responsible for some of disorders Indochina Theater vets suffer from?
    Yes No

Which branch did you serve?
    Army Navy Marine Air Force Coast Guard Merchant Marine

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