Survey: Should the sexes stay combined?
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Should the sexes remain combined?

TOPIC: Some in Congress and the military feel America needs to re-evalute the decision to train men and women together. Some voices say the experiment was a disaster. Others say to return the military to separate training facilities for men and women is a step back. This survey is for military and veterans only.

Which branch of the military did you serve?

    Army Navy Marine Air Force Coast Guard Merchant Marine

Should men and women in the military be trained in separate facilities?
    Yes No

Should women be allowed to serve in combat on the front lines?
    Yes No

Are you male or female?
    Male Female

Have you ever witnessed a female receiving favoritism from a male superior?
    Yes No

Have you ever witnessed a male receiving favoritism from a female superior?
    Yes No

Are women physically and mentally equal to men in performing direct enemy contact combat roles?
    Yes No

And please note my comment...

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