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The Harry Robert Haldeman Drug Enforcement Agent Voice
for Special Agents and Drug Warriors -- Reports from the Field
Links to Other DEA Watch Sites/Services Sign Tim's Petition
To Install Special Agent TIMOTHY MARKEY On Our DEA Wall Of Honor
Names of Petitioners To Date (95, as of 22 Jan 2023)
12 Feb 2025, 15:31 PST, 4th Edition
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12 Feb 2025, 14:06 PST, 3rd Edition
Results of Yesterday's 24 hour Survey: DEA Watch 11 Feb 2025 -- Cowardice in Congress: Should Congress Create Its Own Protection Service?
TOPIC: America's Founding Fathers created a 'three-legged' government consisting of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches, witheach Branch being equal to serve as a 'check and balance'against any Branch that went rogue.
The Founding Fathers established certain budgetary discretions enabling each Branch to function without fear of bullying from another Branch. Unfortunately, over the past 250 years Congress has allowed the Executive Branch to control certain authorities over its two brother Branches. For example, the Executive Branch governs the protection services utilizing intelligence and law enforcement personnel (such as the Secret Service, FBI, etc.,) to provide security and protection for all three Branches.
This arrangement has worked for the past 250 years. However, the current Executive Branch has today become one that has opted to use its protection service authority to bully members of the other two Branches. This bullying has resulted in creating an atmosphere of mortal fear among members of the Legislative and Judicial Branches to the point that some members are so afraid of making decisions that will be disliked by the head of the Executive Branch (The President), that they now 'rubber stamp' many if not all of the President's decisions that are indisputably counter to the Constitution, public safety and international peace.
Simply by disapproving or removing necessary physical protection services from members of Congress and the Judiciary, along with creating an 'army' of thugs who vociferously threaten the lives of both Congresspersons and Judges, as well as their family members, the President can bully vulnerable people serving in his co-equal Branches of government into following his orders.
The Founding Fathers gave the Congress the exclusive authority to create (or un-create) federal agencies. The Congress has the authority to create a new Congressional Protection Service Agency designed to investigate, thwart and prosecute any individual or group who makes, expresses or acts upon a physical threat to any member of Congress or the Judiciary. Congress also has the authority to authorize full operation of this new agency under its own control with zero control, influence or involvement with or by the Executive Branch.
Legislation creating this new agency can be approved with the signature of President, as is normally required by the Constitution, or without the President's signature simply by overriding a President's veto.
By creating a Congressional Protection Service Agency, members of Congress and the Judiciary can feel secure in re-growing their spines and circumcising their cowardice knowing that no Executive will ever succeed in attempting to use bullying threats for the purpose of creating an authoritative and fascist government under an Executive. Members of Congress and the Judiciary can then carry out their Constitutional duties freely for the good of the country and the world. -- END OF TOPIC
(DEA Watch Note: Statistical results are rounded off to their nearest whole number.)
QUESTION 1/2: Should the House and Senate create a new Congressional Protection Service Agency under sole control of House and Senate leadership for the purpose of ensuring all members of the U.S. Congress and Judiciary receive personal and family protection when physically threatened by any person or group, including hostile followers of a President who uses threats for the purpose of reducing or eliminating opposition to a President's decisions.
Yes... 99%
No... 01%
QUESTION 2/2: Should the House and Senate also create a new Election Protection Fund under sole control of House and Senate leadership for the purpose of matching funds spent by a President who threatens to 'primary' a Party member in Congress who does not bend to the will of a President?
Yes... 99%
No... 01%
Wed, 02/12/2025, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
By request the name...
has been added for your Job Performance evaluation.
"I am pleased to announce that Terry Cole will be the next Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrator. Terry is a DEA Veteran of 21 years, with tours in Colombia, Afghanistan, and Mexico City, who currently serves as Virginia's Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, leading 11 State Public Safety Agencies, with more than 19,000 employees. Terry graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology with a B.A., Liberal Arts/Criminal Justice, and holds Leadership Certificates from University of Virginia, University of Notre Dame, Mendoza School of Business, and MIT Sloan Executive School for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Together, we will save lives, and MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN. Congratulations Terry!"
Donald Trump
Wed, 02/12/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 02/10/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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09 Febt 2025, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Tactical Takeaway #2..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
The White Report
TACTICAL TAKEAWAY #23 -- From 11 Jul 2022
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Sun, 02/09/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 02/08/2025, 18:03 PST, 4th Edition
"DO NOT RESIGN...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Everyone in this agency knows that the ONLY S/A's in our agency who enjoy corralling illegal immigrants are those S/A's who are too incompetent and bumbling to make a drug cases. Honan actually gave our worst and loser S/A's something to do in their worthless lives. I expect that when Honan doesn't want us anymore we will see a number of these losers transferring over to ICE."
I agree! And we can only hope that 'Rambo Wannabe' Maltz goes over to ICE, too!
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Sat, 02/08/2025, 15:26 PST, 3rd Edition
"DO NOT RESIGN...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "As for us, just as soon as Honan over at ICE doesn't want need our agency around to back him up anymore, RFK Jr. will 'deputize' us to shut down any medical research being done at labs that could heal people. Lister, Koch, Fleming, Pasteur and all of the Greats who developed cures for human diseases must be thinking that the U.S. has taken science back to the Stone Age... and the DEA agents who gleefully follow orders given by morons are Neanderthals..."
Everyone in this agency knows that the ONLY S/A's in our agency who enjoy corralling illegal immigrants are those S/A's who are too incompetent and bumbling to make a drug cases. Honan actually gave our worst and loser S/A's something to do in their worthless lives. I expect that when Honan doesn't want us anymore we will see a number of these losers transferring over to ICE.
(D/W Redacted), G/S
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Sat, 02/08/2025, 11:39 PST, 2nd Edition
"DO NOT RESIGN...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "CIA and FBI employees appear to be the most number of people in Main and Intell who have received "Resign" emails. Not as many of these emails are being reported by DEA employees as are CIA and FBI employees, probably because Trump had us deputized to remove illegal aliens and other unwanted personages."
Don't get cocky, Kemo Sabe. Trump will get around to us just as soon as he thinks the opportunity is right.
Very sad about hens and cows. If hens and cows were humans with wallets Pfizer would have developed a flu vaccination for them. And if Donald Trump were a real President he would have instructed RFK Jr. to state during his Confirmation Hearings that his first order on Day One, if approved by the Senate,would be to tell the U.S. pharmaceutical industry to prioritize a flu vaccine for chickens and cows with the same speed they developed a Covid vaccine.
As for us, just as soon as Honan over at ICE doesn't want need our agency around to back him up anymore, RFK Jr. will 'deputize' us to shut down any medical research being done at labs that could heal people. Lister, Koch, Fleming, Pasteur and all of the Greats who developed cures for human diseases must be thinking that the U.S. has taken science back to the Stone Age... and the DEA agents who gleefully follow orders given by morons are Neanderthals...
(D/W Redacted), CDC
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Sat, 02/08/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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07 Feb 2025, 14:02 PST, 3rd Edition
"Thanks for the mission...":
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Fri, 02/07/2025, 11:42 PST, 2nd Edition
"It's not about 'retribution'...":
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Someone wrote: "FBI has gone girly and wimpy."
FBI didn't win anything today... FBI is just losing a little slower...
FBI has today agreed to give up the names of more than 6000 FBI employees to the three most flagrant liars in our country: Trump, Bondi and Blanche. For FBI to believe that these three will wait two measly days before handing over the list of FBI names to the felons pardoned by Trump for Jan 6 is ludicrous!
But none of the above doesn't matter anyway because whether it is Kash Patel or someone else who Trump puts in charge of FBI that person will immediately, instantly give those names up with zero pause. FBI is screwed, blued and tattooed!
Everyone in FBI needs to stop trying to hide behind their necktied attorneys and take REAL action. FBI employees need to accept the gutter reality that they are being persecuted by the worst national security threat in our country's history... worse than anything the Nazi or Commies dared. Even Trump himself said "the greatest enemy to America is within!"
What FBI seem to not fully realize is that Trump was talking about himself!!!
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Fri, 02/07/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
OTHER NEWS: Please note that some articles hyperlinked below can be accessed only on date of publication. When submitting mediawires, please include 1) article title, 2) author's name, 3) publication name, and 4) http address. PLEASE do NOT send the entire article, which may be a illegal under U.S. copyright laws.
As you requested, the Job Performance Survey allows you to rate the job performance of 'drug war' supervisors from other agencies including Customs FBI State and Local police trooper sheriff marshal executives and US Attorneys as well as Group Supervisors and equivalents. Individuals presenting themselves as news media (NM) are evaluated on the frequency and quality of their illegal drug reporting.
Ratings in descending order:
Aleman Omar, Satisfactory
Alito Samuel A (SCOTUS), Unsatisfactory
Allen Matthew SAC, Excellent
Amash Justin, Excellent
Arabit Joe, Outstanding
Austin Lloyd, Excellent
Azzam Stephen, Excellent
Barrett Amy Coney (SCOTUS), Unsatisfactory
Batts Anthony, Outstanding
Becerra Xavier, Satisfactory
Bell Steven SAC, Unsatisfactory
Belleau Stephen SAC, Satisfactory
Bennet Michael, Sen (D), Excellent
Beris Bob, Satisfactory
Bersin Alan, Excellent
Bensinger Peter, Excellent
Bessler Brian, Excellent
Biagioni John, Satisfactory
Blum Rod (Rep.), Satisfactory
Bondi Pamela (AG), Unsatisfactory
Bonta Robert (AG-CA), Outstanding
Booker Cory (Sen NJ), Satisfactory
Boyle Brendan (Rep.), Excellent
Braun Mike, Satisfactory
Brown Bill, Unsatisfactory
Brown Keith (SAC), Outstanding
Buck Ken (Rep.), Excellent
Burns William, Satisfactory
Bush George (Jr), Unsatisfactory
Callahan William, Unsatisfactory
Carter Buddy (Rep.), Excellent
Cartwright Matt (Rep.), Satisfactory
Chicago Office, Satisfactory
Ciminelli Michael, Excellent
Clark Brian SAC, Satisfactory
Claxton Mark (Black LE Alliance), Excellent
Coates Dan, Excellent
Colder Karl, Unsatisfactory
Cole Terry, Admin., Satisfactory
Coleman Douglas, Outstanding
Coleman-Watson Bonnie (Rep.), Satisfactory
Collazo A J, Excellent
Comeaux Daniel SAC, Unsatisfactory
Connolly Gerald (Rep.), Excellent
Cooper Jim (Rep.), Excellent
Cooper-Davis Ava, Satisfactory
Cotton Tom, Unsatisfactory
Coulson Anthony, Unsatisfactory
Cruz Rafael "Ted" (Sen.), Unsatisfactory
D.A.R.E., Unsatisfactory
Dallas Div Office, Excellent
Daly Mary (DOJ), Excellent
Davis Michael SAC, Satisfactory
Davodowich. Erek SAC, Satisfactory
DeSantis Ron (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
DeSaulnier Mark (Rep.), Satisfactory
Desjarlais Scott (Rep.), Excellent
Deters Joe, Excellent
Diversion Control, Satisfactory
Donahue Matt, Excellent
Donilon Mike, Satisfactory
Donovan Raymond, Excellent
Downing David, Excellent
Duckworth Tammy (Rep.), Satisfactory
Duncan John (Rep.), Satisfactory
Duterte Rodrigo (Pres., Philippines), Excellent
El Paso Office, Satisfactory
Epshteyn Boris, Satisfactory
Evans Chris, Satisfactory
Farenthold Blake (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Ferguson Michael, Satisfactory
Fitzgerald, Michael US Dist Judge, Excellent
Fitzpatrick Jay, Satisfactory
Flores Sarah (DOJ), Unsatisfactory
Flowers Karen, Outstanding
Forget Jason, Unsatisfactory
Foster Renita SAC, Unsatisfactory
Fuentes Rick, Excellent
Gaetz Matt (R-FL), Unsatisfactory
Gardner Cory, Unsatisfactory
Garland Merrick, Unsatisfactory
Giuffre Joseph, Satisfactory
Glaspy Will, Excellent
Gorsuch Neil M (SCOTUS), Unsatisfactory
Gosar Paul (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Graham Lindsey Sen., Satisfactory
Grassley Charles, Unsatisfactory
Greene Orville SAC, Unsatisfactory
Grisham Michelle, (Gov, NM) Excellent
Grothman Glenn (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Grubbs Preston, Unsatisfactory
Haaland Deb, Excellent
Haff Gary, Satisfactory
Haines Avril, Satisfactory
Harris Kamala, Unsatisfactory
Harrison Michael, Satisfactory
Hawley Josh, Unsatisfactory
Hegseth Peter SecDef, Unsatisfactory
Hice Jody (Rep.), Satisfactory
Hoernke Scott, Excellent
Hofer Steve, Outstanding
Holmes-Norton Eleanor (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Hoyer Steny, Unsatisfactory
Howe Shelley SAC, Unsatisfactory
Hudson Redditt, Excellent
Hutchinson Asa, Outstanding
Ivanov Viktor, Excellent
Jackson Amy Berman, Excellent
Jackson Ketanji Brown (SCOTUS), Excellent
Jordan Jim (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Kagan Elena (SCOTUS), Satisfactory
Katco John (Rep NY),
Katyal, Neal, (Atty), Outstanding
Kavanaugh Brett M (SCOTUS), Satisfactory
Kelly Robin (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Kerlikowske Gil (ONDCP), Unsatisfactory
King Angus O, Excellent
King Justin, Satisfactory
Kirby John ADML, (DOD), Unsatisfactory
Klain Ron, Satisfactory
Kyaw Htin (Burma), Satisfactory
Lacy-Clay William (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Lausch John (USAtty), Satisfactory
Lawrence Brenda (Rep.), Satisfactory
Leahy Patrick, Sen., Satisfactory
Lee Barbara, Sen., Unsatisfactory
Leon Richard J, Dist Court, Excellent
Lieu Ted (Rep.), Excellent
Los Angeles Office Office, Excellent
Lujan-Grisham Michelle (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Lummis Cynthia (Rep.), Satisfactory
Lynch Stephen (Rep.), Excellent
Lyons Sheila SAC, Unsatisfactory
Maduro Nicolas, Unsatisfactory
Maloney Carolyn (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Maltz John (Acting Administrator), Satisfactory
Manchin Joe (Sen.), Excellent
Marino Tom, Unsatisfactory
Markey Edward (Sen), Unsatisfactory
Martin John, Satisfactory
Massie Thomas (Rep.), Excellent
Mayorkas Alejandro, Satisfactory
McAleenan Kevin, Excellent
McConnell Mitch, Unsatisfactory
McDaniel Ronny R. (GOP Chair), Satisfactory
McDermott William, Satisfactory
McKnight Brian, Satisfactory
Miami FD Office, Unsatisfactory
Mian Ibrar (SAC), Satisfactory
Milione Louis, Excellent
Monaco Lisa, Unsatisfactory
Morris Clay, Satisfactory
Morris Stephen (FBI), Excellent
Murphy Robert, Excellent
Netanyahu Benjamin, Unsatisfactory
New York Office, Satisfactory
Nickerson Valerie, Excellent
Nielsen Christopher, Unsatisfactory
Nielsen, Chris SAC, Unsatisfactory
Noem Kristi, DirDHS, Unsatisfactory
Nuland Victoria (State), Excellent
Obama Barack, Pres, Unsatisfactory
Olesky David SAC, Satisfactory
Olson Wendy USA, Satisfactory
Ortiz Cheryl SAC, Unsatisfactory
Oz Cheri SAC, Unsatisfactory
Palmer Gary (Rep.), Satisfactory
Paul Rand Sen., Unsatisfactory
PD-Chicago, Unsatisfactory
PD-Los Angeles, Satisfactory
PD-New York, Unsatisfactory
Pelosi Nancy, Excellent
Phillips Channing, Satisfactory
Plancon Timothy, Satisfactory
Plaskett Stacey (Rep.), Satisfactory
Plummer Wilbert, Satisfactory
Pope Francis, Excellent
Psaki Jen, Excellent
Putin Vladmir, Unsatisfactory
Ragan Sean (FBI-LA), Excellent
Ratcliffe Joh DirCIA, Unsatisfactory
Reames David SAC, Unsatisfactory
Reuter Deanne SAC, Unsatisfactory
Richmond Cedric, Satisfactory
Roach Barbara, Outstanding
Roberts John G (SCOTUS), Unsatisfactory
Rodriguez Julie, Satisfactory
Rouse Cecilia, Satisfactory
Rubio Marco (SecState), Unsatisfactory
Russell Steve (Rep.), Unsatisfactory
Sabet Kevin PhD, Excellent
Sallet Jeffrey, Unsatisfactory
Salter Dan, Outstanding
San Francisco Division, Satisfactory
Scalise Steve, Excellent
Scott Tim, Unsatisfactory
Shan Patahan, Excellent
Shea Dermott, Satisfactory
Shelley Clyde, Unsatisfactory
Sherman Wendy, Excellent
Sherman, William SAC, Outstanding
Shumlin Peter, Satisfactory
Sorianello Dante, Excellent
Sotomayor Sonia (SCOTUS), Excellent
St Louis Office, Unsatisfactory
Stamm Jeffrey SAC, Satisfactory
Stewart Vincent Dir DIA, Excellent
Sweetin Jeffrey, Satisfactory
Szubin Adam, Satisfactory
Tanden Neera, Satisfactory
Tandy Karen (DHS), Unsatisfactory
Tarentino Frank SAC, Unsatisfactory
Taubira Christiane, Satisfactory
Thimmesch Darin, Satisfactory
Thomas Clarence (SCOTUS), Unsatisfactory
Thomas-Greenfield Linda, Satisfactory
Thorne-James Towanda SAC, Unsatisfactory
Trudeau Justin, PM Canada, Satisfactory
Trump Donald, Unsatisfactory
Tuggle Gary, Satisfactory
Turner Michael (Rep.), Satisfactory
Vitello Ron (ICE), Excellent
Vogt Stephen (FBI), Satisfactory
Walberg Tim (Rep.), Satisfactory
Walker Mark (Rep.), Excellent
Walsh Marty (Labor), Excellent
Waters Maxine, Unsatisfactory
Weis Keith, Outstanding
Welch Peter (Rep.), Excellent
Whipple Steve, Excellent
Will Candice, Unsatisfactory
Williams Anthony, Satisfactory
Williams Grayling, Satisfactory
Williamson Kyle, Unsatisfactory
Willis Fani, Satisfactory
Wilson Jonathan, Outstanding
Woolcock Wendy, Unsatisfactory
Wright Adolphus, Unsatisfactory
Yellen Janet, Satisfactory
Yrizarry Lizette, Unsatisfactory
BBC World, Excellent
CNN, Unsatisfactory
FOX Business, Unsatisfactory
FOX News, Unsatisfactory
MSNBC, Satisfactory
Newsmax, Unsatisfactory
One America, Unsatisfactory
Russia Today, Unsatisfactory
Acosta Jim (CNN), Satisfactory
Axelrod David, (MSNBC) Satisfactory
Baier Brett, (FOX) Satisfactory
Bash Dana (CNN), Satisfactory
Bennett, William, Satisfactory
Berman John (CNN), Unsatisfactory
Bernstein Carl (CNN), Satisfactory
Bharara Preet, Satisfactory
Blitzer Wolf, (CNN) Unsatisfactory
Bolton John, Satisfactory
Bongino Dan (FOX), Unsatisfactory
Borger Gloria (CNN), Unsatisfactory
Bream Shannon (FOX), Satisfactory
Brown Pat, Unsatisfactory
Brzezinski Mika, (MSNBC) Unsatisfactory
Bush Jeb, Unsatisfactory
Capehart Jonathan, (WashPost) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Carlson Tucker, (FOX) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Carter Sara, (FOX) Satisfactory
Cavanaugh Jim (MSNBC, Unsatisfactory
Cavuto Neil, (FOX), Excellent
Cevallos Danny, (CNN) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Chaffetz Jason (FOX), Satisfactory
Chang Gordon, Satisfactory
Christi Chris, Satisfactory
Cooper Anderson (CNN) Satisfactory
Dean John DNC, Excellent
DeGenova Joe, (FOX) Unsatisfactory
Demmings Val, Unsatisfactory
Dickey Christopher (CNN), Unsatisfactory
Doocy Peter, (FOX) Unsatisfactory
Doocy Steve, (FOX) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Driscoll Robert, (FOX) Satisfactory
Fauci Anthony, Satisfactory
Faulkner Harris, (FOX) Satisfactory
Figiliuzzi Frank, (MSNBC Analyst) Excellent
Fineman Howard, (MSNBC Analyst) Unsatisfactory
Fuentes Joseph, (NJSP) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Gallagher Trace, (FOX) Satisfactory
Garagos, Mark (CNN Legal Analyst) Excellent
Gigot Paul, (FOX) Excellent
Gorka Sebastian, Satisfactory
Gowdy Trey, Excellent
Gregory, David (CNN), Satisfactory
Griffin, Jennifer (FOX), Satisfactory
Hannity Sean, (FOX) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Herridge, Catherine (FOX) Satisfactory
Hilton Steve, Excellent
Holder Eric, Unsatisfactory
Holt Lester (NBC) Satisfactory
Homan Thomas, Excellent
Horwitz Sari, (WPost) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Ingraham Laura, (FOX) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Jackson Jesse, Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Jacobs Jack, Satisfactory
Jennings Scott (CNN) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Jolly David (MSNBC), Excellent
Jones Van (MSNBC) Unsatisfactory
Katz David, Unsatisfactory
Keane Jack Gen'l (FOX) Satisfactory
Kerik Bernard, (CNN) Satisfactory
King John, (CNN) Satisfactory
Klinger David (CNN), Unsatisfactory
Leonnig, Carol D (WPost) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Liman, Doug ("Justice"), Excellent
Loesch Dana (NRA), Satisfactory
MacVicar Sheila, (Al Jezeera) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Maddow Rachel, (MSNBC) Satisfactory
McCaffery Barry, Unsatisfactory
McDonnell Lawrence, (MSNBC) Unsatisfactory
Melber Ari, (MSNBC) Unsatisfactory
Menendez Alicia, (MSNBC) Unsatisfactory
Milbank Dana, (WashPost) Outstanding
Miller Judith, (FOX) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Miller Stephen (WH) Unsatisfactory
Mitchell Andrea, (MSNBC) Unsatisfactory
Mohyeldin Ayman, (MSNBC) Outstanding
Morgan Piers, (MailOnline) Satisfactory
Napolitano, Andrew, Unsatisfactory
Nielsen Kirstjen, Unsatisfactory
O'Donnell Eugene FOX, Unsatisfactory
O'Donnell Kelly, (MSNBC), Satisfactory
O'Sullivan Donie, (CNN), Excellent
Page Clarence (Chi Tribune), Unsatisfactory
Pavlich Katie, (FOX) Satisfactory
Pelley Scott, (CBS) Satisfactory
Perino Dana, (FOX) Unsatisfactory
Phang Katie, (MSNBC), Excellent
Rather Dan (AXS TV) Unsatisfactory
Reese Philip COL (CNN), Satisfactory
Reid Joy (MSNBC), Satisfactory
Rivera Geraldo, (FOX) Satisfactory
Roberts John, (FOX) Satisfactory
Robertson, Nic (CNN), Satisfactory
Rogers Mike, (CNN) Satisfactory
Rosen James, (FOX) Satisfactory
Rove Karl, (FOX) Satisfactory
Ruhle Stephanie, (MSNBC) Excellent
Rubin Lisa (MSNBC) Excellent
Ryan April, (AUR) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Scaramucci Anthony, Excellent
Sciutto Jim, (CNN) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Sexton Buck, Excellent
Shaffer Tony (FOX) Excellent
Sharpton Al, (MSNBC), Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Shawn Eric, (CNN) Satisfactory
Shuster David, Unsatisfactory
Skinner Kiron, (FOX) Excellent
Steyn Mark, (Fox) Excellent
Stirewalt Chris, (Fox) Excellent
Sykes Charlie, (The Bulwark) Outstanding
Tapper Jake (CNN), Excellent with Honorable Mention
Terrell Leo (FOX), Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Townsend Fran, (CNN), Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Turley Jonathan, Excellent
Valencia Nick, (CNN) Unsatisfactory/Reprehensible
Varney Stuart, (FOX) Satisfactory
Vinograd Samantha, (CBB) Satisfactory
Wallace Nicolle, (MSNBC) Satisfactory
Waltz Michael LTC, (FOX) Excellent
Webb David, (FOX) Satisfactory
Weissman Andrew, (MSNBC) Outstanding
Whitaker Matthew (DOJ), Satisfactory
Williams Brian, Satisfactory
Williams Juan, (FOX) Satisfactory
Woolsey James, Unsatisfactory
Thu, 02/06/2025, 13:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"DO NOT RESIGN...", con't:
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Somebody forgot to tell the morons who accepted Elon Musk's 'buyout offer' that gave them eight months of pay if they resigned that they probably wouldn't see any of those paychecks over the next eight months because Musk is also working to shutdown the Treasury agency that sends out paychecks.
And I use the word "moron" because it appears that most of the people who took the offer are people who were in jobs because their welfare would end if they didn't work.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 02/06/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Wed, 02/05/2025, 17:22 PST, 7th Edition
"The clowns and morons are in charge...", cont:
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Someone wrote: "FBI yesterday. CIA today. NSA is next!!!"
The only reason why Donald Trump hasn't opened our file rooms to Elon Musk and his hacker squad of Hitler Youth nineteen year-old's is because Trump needs DEA to backup creepy Honan at ICE. But if the courts shut down Trump's immigrant removal ops, or the court says our agency cannot continue working for ICE because immigrant removal is not in our Congressional Charter, then you can bet your bottom dollar that Trump will turn on us faster than he inflates the price of his pyramid bitcoin.
P.S. The number of Hispanic-Americans who hate our DEA guts for enjoying our deportation duty is multiplying every hour...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 02/05/2025, 14:01 PST, 6th Edition
"The clowns and morons are in charge...", cont:
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Someone wrote: "Donald Trump has used his white supremacists and army of thugs to turn our former leaders into gutless, yellow-belly cowards."
What is needed is someone with money or patriotism to form a group of former and active military people, current and former LE personnel, and other Americans like the hundreds of thousands who served under Lincoln during the Civil War to form an anti-Trump army who will volunteer to protect those Americans who stand up for our Constitution.
Every patriotic American who lives in the same city with General Milley should be announcing they will be protecting Gen'l Milley from Trump's thugs. The same goes for true patriots who live in Jon Bolton's, Elizabeth Cheney's, Jack Smith's community... and the communities of other Americans that Trump has named on his Hate List that he would like his thugs to hurt or kill... and that he wants Pam Bondi to prevent being investigated after they act on Trump's retribution desires.
The Proud Boys and other racist and insurrectionist Trump-backed groups are no match for real Americans. Trump's groups will only sneak attack vulnerable people. They will not attack people who have protection because they know they will get their a**es kicked something fierce.
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Wed, 02/05/2025, 12:39 PST, 4th Edition
"The clowns and morons are in charge...", cont:
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I think another DEA Watch writer/reporter had it right when he or she wrote that it is our data in DEA that Trump would really want.
Trump pardoned his Jan 6th hoodlums because Trump wants to build a private army of thugs who will gladly commit violent acts, to include murder, for him.
Trump would want our DEA data so that he could use the criminals in our files to do things for him.
We must not have any doubt that anyone in LE who agreed to accept an appointment from a convicted felon would be willing to turn over any data Trump's Project 2025 scumbags ask for.
We are all on watch for anyone in our agency being threatened or harmed. We are on watch for any case sabotage. S**t is starting to hit the fan. It will get worse when Trump's other appointees get into their new jobs as heads of agencies and departments.
FBI yesterday. CIA today. NSA is next!!!
(D/W Redacted), G/S
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Wed, 02/05/2025, 12:07 PST, 3rd Edition
"The clowns and morons are in charge...", cont:
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Someone wrote: "We cannot trust ANYONE that Trump would hire. We especially cannot trust ANYONE who would agree to work for a CONVICTED FELON with a long history of insanity and dishonesty."
It's not just Maltz we cannot trust. We cannot trust ANY manager!
Everyone wants to keep their job because everyone knows how painful it is to not have a job and be out on the street looking for a job.
Donald Trump has totally upended Civil Service. He is doing everything he can to make job insecurity the driving force throughout the federal govt to make the people who keep their jobs swear loyalty to him.
The single, unmarried people working in our agency (and all over the govt) are just slightly more secure because they don't have to worry about feeding a family if Trump succeeds in firing them or they opt to resign. But everyone who is married, has kids, is paying school costs and a mortgage has a lot to fear from joblessness.
And it is that group of people who would do anything to keep their job. Any manager can get them to do anything wrong or illegal. And this group will stab any co-worker in the back to stay employed.
We have to watch out for everyone we work with because they consider themselves more worthy than the other people in our offices.
We can thank the a**holes in our agency who voted for Trump. If anyone loses their job I hope it is some of them.
If everyone was in their right minds we all would have voted for Harris. At least with Harris, Civil Service would never be put on the chopping block!!!
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 02/05/2025, 10:41 PST, 2nd Edition
"The clowns and morons are in charge...":
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Under direction of the new CIA Director, John Ratcliffe, a butthead at CIA sent an unclassified email to Donald Trump at the WH who insisted that CIA give the WH the names of employees who were recently hired to spy on China.
We have a new Administrator (Acting) here in DEA recently hired by Trump who is known to hire buttheads for their extreme loyalty and not for having any brains.
What is Maltz doing to protect the identities of us in DEA who the drug cartels would like to know so that they can harm us or our families.
We cannot trust ANYONE that Trump would hire. We especially cannot trust ANYONE who would agree to work for a CONVICTED FELON with a long history of insanity and dishonesty.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 02/05/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 02/04/2025, 13:29 PST, 3rd Edition
"It's not about 'retribution'...", con't :
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Trump and his confederates will now have access to every criminal file and investigation made by the FBI since the FBI's creation. How long will it take before Trump uses FBI data on organized criminals to 'lean on them' for kickbacks? And will organized crime orgs roll over like FBI agents are rolling over? I doubt it.
There is not now nor was there ever a 'Mafia Don' who didn't want control of FBI. And never did a Don anticipate that another felon, powered by the federal govt and his white supremacists, would be a bigger enemy to them than the FBI.
I don't think organized crime is going to wait and rely on the Dem's in Congress to stop Trump forming the largest and most well-armed crime family since the Caesar's, followed by the Pope's, in ancient Rome...
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Tue, 02/04/2025, 11:17 PST, 2nd Edition
"It's not about 'retribution'...":
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All this talk about Trump wanting "retribution" for his criminal prosecutions by ordering the firing of three-quarters of the FBI is total silly.
Trump wants to replace the entire FBI for only one reason... and that reason is to escape investigation of his future crimes for profit.
Trump is a CONVICTED FELON. He was convicting for lying, cheating and scamming to gain personal and corporate profit. He will continue to do this... and needs everyone in FBI who is aware of his criminal nature to be gone.
The REAL issue is why are agents allowing Trump's criminality to continue??? Surely agents can easily figure out the proper remedies to an attack on our country by a malicious and Sadistic enemy??? Why are convicted criminals who were pardoned by a convicted felon still living in the United States???
FBI has gone girly and wimpy.
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Tue, 02/04/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 02/02/2025, 12:14 PST, 3rd Edition
"DEA chief Derek Maltz seeks Taylor Swift's help to raise awareness about 'dangers
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Donald Trump trashed Taylor Swift something terrible during the campaign because Swift supported Harris. So why is our new Acting Administrator now trying to use Swift to do his job? This stinks to the High Heavens!!1
What does Maltz really want from Swift... sex after a date... free concert tickets for his family... a piece of her box office receipts...
Shame on our Acting Administrator for trying to attach Taylor Swift's name to illegal drugs. Does indecency know no bounds?
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Mon, 02/03/2025, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
My pal Mike #1 submitted this report, the entirety of which is of two people who work daily in the WH. The talky person is the female who is senior both in age and 'rank' to the junior male. The two of them have been 'involved' since last August. The two live together (secretly) but the female pays for the male's apartment so as to make it look like he lives separately.
The conversation last night was a tutorial to the male by the female on "how things work in the WH".
Over wine the male inquired who or how it was that Elon Musk was given the large amount of "freedom by the President". The female quickly corrected the male, "he is back in the WH and he wants to be called and referred to as the 'Chief'... don't forget that!"
The female then explained to her young lover the "facts of life"...
More later as Mike reports it.
Signed, (D/W redacted)
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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Mon, 02/03/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sun, 02/02/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 02/01/2025, 17:31 PST, 2nd Edition
"...Readout of Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth's Calls With Mexico's Secretary of National Defense and Secretary of the Navy":
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On January 31, SecDef Pete Hegseth had constructive introductory calls with Mexico's Secretary of National Defense, General Ricardo Trevilla Trejo, and Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Raymundo Morales Angeles, to discuss U.S. national security interests and our countries' defense cooperation. Secretary Hegseth underscored that his top priority is to safeguard the United States and its citizens, to include securing the southern border. The Secretary highlighted the importance of Mexico's armed forces continuing to disrupt cartel activities that threaten the United States, and for Mexico to continue taking steps to curb illegal migration into the United States. In both calls, the Secretary and his Mexican counterparts reaffirmed their commitment to deepening bilateral cooperation between our militaries. They also agreed that they and their staffs will maintain close communication and coordination with each other to protect the citizens and territories of both nations.
John Ullyot, DOD
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Sat, 02/01/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Fri, 01/31/2025, 17:03 PST, 8th Edition
"Special Messages...", con't:
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With Trump and his personal lawyers now in direct charge of FBI, Trump can prevent or stop investigations of corporation wrongdoing by requesting 'political donations' (bribes) from CEO's. Trump can get the support of GOP members of the House and Senate on his side by preventing wrongs those members do from being investigated by the FBI.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Fri, 01/31/2025, 15:26 PST, 7th Edition
"Special Messages...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Americans, and particularly Democrats, don't care until people start dying."
This writer is correct.
But it would be a mistake to believe that Trump ordered General Milley's or Ambassador Bolton's security clearance removed solely because Trump wanted them to be assassinated.
We must consider that Trump has another reason for seeing someone he hates assassinated... and that reason is war.
If Iran or some other American enemy assassinated a target set up by Trump to be killed Trump would jump to start a war in order to distract Americans from the totalitarian changes to our social and democratic order that he has and will implement.
But Trump can only gin up American enthusiasm for a war only if one of his assassination targets is killed here in the U.S. by a foreign assailant. If one of Trump's assassination targets is murdered while visiting another country it is far less likely that the majority of the American public will support a war because only one person, and not American soil, was violated.
Milley, Bolton and others who have already or will have their Security Details discriminatively removed by Trump should follow the lead of Obama and Bush who have kept their foreign travel to the bare minimum so as not to give Trump an excuse to convert our country to a wartime system under a dictator with war powers that extend to making war on the American people through massive deprivations of freedom.
Fortunately, unless Trump's toady Republicans in the Congress allow Trump to remove the protective SS details of former Presidents, Trump cannot unilaterally do so... but the day is still young... Trump may yet try to expose a former President to harm. Trump has said many times that he would like to see certain people "executed".
(D/W Redacted), DOD
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Fri, 01/31/2025, 14:10 PST, 6th Edition
"Special Messages...", con't:
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What stands out is the fact that the majority of people being fired at the Bureau are white... but that is only because the majority of people working for FBI are white.
But Trump's direct accusation yesterday that the air accident in D.C. was caused by females and black people only makes it clear that Trump wants to return our black Americans to their service-job level status under Woodrow Wilson... and women back to serving males only on their backs and in their kitchens as it was before the Suffrage Movement.
The only reason why we have so many illegal Hispanics in our country today is because the Civil Rights Amendment of 1965 allowed black people to migrate out of service-level and farm jobs that Hispanics are now doing... and we allowed women to do jobs that were meant for men only. If we can get enough white Americans all across our country to support returning our nation back to 1924 where women were confined to their kitchens and blacks could only be employed in jobs servicing white people or confined to farm labor there won't be any black drug gangs or any black students taking college seats away from our white children... or any females or black people causing air accidents because they were given jobs that only white men are qualified to do.
Back in 1924 most black people had only two hopes. One hope was to grin wide enough to get a service job. The other hope was to not be lynched for talking back to a white person. That is where Trump and Musk and Miller want America to go back to. And the only way to get there is to keep blaming black people and females for everything that goes wrong.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Fri, 01/31/2025, 14:10 PST, 6th Edition
"Special Messages...", con't:
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People being demoted, fired, or losing their security protection are merely shrugged off by the American public that is now used to the environment of bullying that began the first time Trump shouted at one of his rallies to "throw out" an anti-Trump protester in his audience "and don't be gentle doing it." Trump always got his loudest cheers when he said that.
The American public will not act against Trump's illegal, anti-democratic and horrendous actions until someone who has been targeted for retribution by a Trump decision is brutally murdered.
Americans, and particularly Democrats, don't care until people start dying.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Fri, 01/31/2025, 13:51 PST, 5th Edition
"Special Messages...", con't:
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Now that a convicted felon is sitting in the WH and his personal attorney's are ordering the firings of senior FBI personnel, and soon the firings of line agents, the people who have the most to fear are the Confidential Informants and witnesses whose identities will be provided to Trump as soon as his personal attorney's who are now in charge of the Bureau scour through FBI files and records.
Pity also on the tens of thousands of citizens who's File Two's that contain unsubstantiated -- and even disproven accusations -- are provided to Trump to be used to blackmail them or outright destroy their lives.
People in witness protection need to disappear themselves before their locations and new ID's are disclosed to the criminals they ratted on...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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31 Jan 2025, 13:29 PST, 4th Edition
Special Messages:
To all those at my former agency who voted for Donald Trump, or who failed to publicly support Harris, I bet you now wish you had voted to save our agency from Donald Trump. Mr. Hoover is turning over in his grave at your refusal or your failure to do what you should have done.
By destroying the FBI, Donald Trump, Pamela Bondi and Kash Patel will do more damage to our country than Hitler, Stalin, Robert Hanssen and every organized crime leader combined... and it is YOUR fault for not taking appropriate action.
Especially at fault is Chris Wray for resigning before being fired. Chris could have used the time before his firing to protect FBI leadership and worker bee's.
Now that criminals are in charge of the Bureau they will have free will to forge partnerships with organized crime, drug cartels and terrorist groups to protect them from prosecution in exchange for cash. Criminals, gangs and terrorists will now have a field day in every FBI field office.
(D/W Redacted), FBI (Retired)
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31 Jan 2025, 13:25 PST, 3rd Edition
Results of Yesterday's 24 hour Survey:
DEA Watch 30 Jan 2025 -- Should DEA Agents Be Authorized the National Defense Service Medal?
TOPIC: Donald Trump repeatedly describes his project to remove illegal immigrants from American soil as a "war". DEA Agents are now deputized by DHS to serve in this war, and DEA agents are more frequently working with or under military authorities when performing illegal immigrant removal service. -- END OF TOPIC
(DEA Watch Note: Statistical results are rounded off to their nearest whole number.)
QUESTION 1/1: Should Donald Trump issue an Executive Order that authorizes the National Defense Service Medal to those DEA agents and other DEA employees who work under U.S. military authority or work directly alongside U.S. military personnel while conducting Presidentially-mandated alien search, arrest, transport or other service?
No... 04%
Yes... 96%
Thu, 01/30/2025, 18:31 PST, 4th Edition
"Did DEI ruin DEA?...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Today our racist President blamed DEI for the disaster on the Potomac. Can we soon expect a middle-of-the-night Executive Order from Trump taking us back to 1914 when no blacks and no females were allowed to serve or work in aviation because then President Woodrow Wilson banned blacks and women from the air... believing that females and non-whites were both physically and mentally unqualified for air service..."
Anti-DEI policy is only the tool Trump and Hegseth are using to discourage female and black enlistment, and get both groups that are currently in the military to quit.
But what Trump and Hegseth haven't figured out is that we don't have enough military-qualified white males in our country to adequately protect our country.
And even if Trump and Hegseth succeed in taking us back to 1914 when Wilson got thousands of black servicemen to abruptly leave military service, and the military succeeded in replacing them with large numbers of white males after raising salaries from $35.00 a month (pre-segregation pay) to $65.00 for whites after segregation was installed, we will end up with a lot more mixed-race babies because white women will find black men to replace their "patriotic" white husbands and boyfriends who entered military service for more pay than they were getting as civilians.
Trump and Hegseth should remember how it was for the thousands of white Confederate soldiers who came home from the Civil War to mixed-race babies their wives had in their absence while their white men were away trying to preserve slavery that gave them sex-on-demand access to their female black slaves...
(D/W Redacted), DOD
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Thu, 01/30/2025, 12:09 PST, 3rd Edition
"Did DEI ruin DEA?...":
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Today our racist President blamed DEI for the disaster on the Potomac. Can we soon expect a middle-of-the-night Executive Order from Trump taking us back to 1914 when no blacks and no females were allowed to serve or work in aviation because then President Woodrow Wilson banned blacks and women from the air... believing that females and non-whites were both physically and mentally unqualified for air service... and accomplished pilots such as Bessie Coleman, a female black pilot who was the first to fly upside between two cities, had to move to France to fly where she taught French military pilots.
I know that some in our agency believe that the drug problem only began when we started in 1971 to allow black males to serve as DEA agents, and a short time later, allowed females to become agents.
We have never had a permanent black male Administrator, and the records of our female Administrator's have not been noteworthy... and in some cases dismal. But we've also had a lot of white male Administrators who have completely failed to reverse the continuing national trend to use illegal drugs. Perhaps those white Administrators only failed because they had to contend with blacks and females in our agency who were more tortoise than hare.
But not to worry, the combined super-brain power in our new President and his pro-white senior advisor, Elon Musk -- whom even Steve Bannon says is the most racist person alive -- will figure out how to demote and remove blacks and broads from our government over the next four years... Trump's DEI statement today confirms that...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 01/30/2025, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"Burn Notice...":
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Sentinel Slamdunk.
Yamamoto Yes.
Repeat. Yamamoto Yes.
Kid Brother Commence.
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Thu, 01/30/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Wed, 01/29/2025, 15:01 PST, 4th Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
Some DEA Watch readers may think that this posting is far off topic for DEA. But, I assure you, this matter will affect every American because the people being installed inside the DOD by Donald Trump, a military coward and Draft Dodger, are enabling an invasion that the US promised to prevent but is failing at because no one in the Trump DOD dares alert Americans of the impending loss. The Trump DOD is more concerned about creating an environment inside the US to compel American citizens to accept that military control of the US under Donald Trump is more urgent.
My pal Mike #27 reports from the DOD that China will not use military force to take over Taiwan. The massive military actions staged by China during the war between Ukraine and Russia over the past year were intended to fool the US into thinking a violent military invasion would be China's option.
In reality, just as the patient Chinese believe that they can silently 'steal an entire beach one grain of sand at a time', over the past five years the Chinese have been slowly infiltrating large numbers of military 'Civil Affairs Corps' personnel into Taiwan who are standing by for orders from Beijing to administratively assume control of Taiwan's govt offices in a massive yet passive movement.
The huge displays of Chinese military vessels and aircraft used in 'training ops' to get the US to misbelieve that China would launch a military invasion to forcefully takeover Taiwan will, in reality, only be deployed to prevent US military forces from entering a 'Ring of Defense' installed by China.
And the Chinese have engineered a policy that the first shot to be fired will only come from US forces attempting to penetrate the 'Ring' to 'liberate' Taiwan... allowing China to declare that it was the US and not China that initiated hostilities.
However, the Chinese fully believe that once they have successfully assumed control of Taiwan's govt, and established their impenetrable 'Ring of Defense', the weak and incompetent regime running the US DOD under Donald Trump will choose not to militarily engage and will, after some chest-thumping bluster using tariffs or sanctions, slink away and admit defeat.
Not all Communists are heavy-handed, moronic bullies like Vladmir Putin. Some Communists are actually, unquestionably smart... and it doesn't take a lot of brains to outwit someone as dumb as Donald Trump who thinks the entire US govt can be run the way he personally oversaw his Trump Tower in NYC.
Signed, (D/W redacted)
More later as Mike reports it.
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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Wed, 01/29/2025, 13:18 PST, 3rd Edition
"Special Notice...":
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The Event. Radio silence. Future notifications by Procedure One.
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Tue, 01/29/2025, 10:12 PST, 2nd Edition
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CIA and FBI employees appear to be the most number of people in Main and Intell who have received "Resign" emails. Not as many of these emails are being reported by DEA employees as are CIA and FBI employees, probably because Trump had us deputized to remove illegal aliens and other unwanted personages.
But DO NOT reply to any Resign email because it is being reported by some DEA employees that it is African-American and Hispanic DEA agents and employees who are getting the most of these emails which are believed to have not been sent by the WH but forwarded to them by racists and Trump supporters inside our agency to thin our non-white staff.
Even if advised to, Do NOT email-forward copies of such emails over to the Acting Administrator because your responding via email to ANYONE could be maliciously interpreted as your agreement to resign. Print and mail a copy to the Acting Administrator with large words on the face of the copy stating "I DO NOT WISH TO RESIGN!".
(D/W Redacted), (D/W Redacted)
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Wed, 01/29/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 01/28/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 01/27/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sun, 01/26/2025, 16:42 PST, 4th Edition
"Maltz should do it now before he is ordered to do it...", con't:
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Trump said last night that he still wants to buy Greenland, and that Gaza and the West Bank should be "cleansed"... meaning every Palestinian should be moved to Jordan and Egypt and white Israelis should move into Gaza and the West Bank.
Adolph Hitler said the same thing about Russia. Hitler wanted to de-populate Russia, then re-populate Russia with Germans. Hitler first also wanted to move every Jew in Europe to Madagascar... but because FDR threatened to torpedo German transport ships Hitler chose instead to exterminate Europe's Jews by bullet or in gas chambers. (Hitler didn't mind having the U.S. Navy bomb or torpedo Jews on the ocean, but he wasn't too keen on losing so many German vessels too.)
What does Trump have in mind for Greenland? Could it be that Trump wants to make Greenland a U.S. state so that he can then move all of the white Greenlanders from Greenland to the continental US, while sending every black American to go live in Greenland? Greenland would also be a good place to send a lot of blacks in Africa so that we can take over their mineral-rich land. But before that happens Trump will need to convert our Air Force from a defense operation into a people-removal operation... Oh yeah, Trump's already begun doing that with our 'illegal' Hispanics...
But in the matter of our blacks, Trump won't have to shoot or gas blacks in our country to get rid of them as Hitler did to his Jews. All Trump has to do is give American blacks more drugs and guns and the stupid bastards will kill each other off.
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Sun, 01/26/2025, 15:26 PST, 3rd Edition
"Maltz should do it now before he is ordered to do it...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Perhaps it would be a good idea for our new white Administrator to remove the names and photos of the non-white S/A's and other DEA employees that appear on our DEA Wall of Honor before those dead offend Mr's Trump, Hegseth and Musk."
Remove the history... then remove the people.
Someone wrote: "And we all know that Trump, Hegseth and Musk will have no trouble finding more than a few white men and women in our agency who are 'offended' that black, brown and Asian faces on our Wall degrade our DEA history."
Before Trump's four years are up we will no doubt see a number, if not all, black, brown and female supervisors in our agency replaced with white males. And there are a lot more than a few white males in this agency who anxiously hope for that to happen as soon as possible so that they can move up the ladder fast. Just yesterday I overheard two white S/A's talking in the stairwell. One said, "I would have liked to see us before we hired the first darkie in the 1960's."
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Sun, 01/26/2025, 12:14 PST, 2nd Edition
"Maltz should do it now before he is ordered to do it...":
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In concert with Elon Musk's apparent desire to de-black, de-brown, and de-Asian our country, Trump and Hegseth have ordered all branches of the U.S. military to remove black history references in military training films... making the claim that all references to non-white military history are being forced upon white military personnel against their will under the (now-extinct) DEI mandate.
Perhaps it would be a good idea for our new white Administrator to remove the names and photos of the non-white S/A's and other DEA employees that appear on our DEA Wall of Honor before those dead offend Mr's Trump, Hegseth and Musk.
And we all know that Trump, Hegseth and Musk will have no trouble finding more than a few white men and women in our agency who are 'offended' that black, brown and Asian faces on our Wall degrade our DEA history.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Sun, 01/26/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 01/25/2025, 11:52 PST, 3rd Edition
"A really STUPID move by Trump...":
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A lot of people, including Vladmir Putin, have said that Donald Trump is the dumbest person they'd ever met. I now have to fully agree.
As a former Inspector General I can testify that Trump's firing of agency IG's, and the soon-to-be firing of dept IG's, will not succeed in silencing valid complaints by workers.
What Trump has succeeded in doing, however, is force workers to now take their complaints to news media and podcast reporters for public airing... which is one of the two things IG's were created to prevent.
IG's were also created to protect a complainer-slash-whistleblower from retribution inflicted by a superior. Trump's idea that he can replace privacy-dedicated IG's with rats who will put an employee or soldier in harms way for the purpose of silencing complaints is completely moronic.
What journalists and reporters will have to now learn very quickly as they will now be the first people whistleblowers contact instead of talking to an IG is to report the information as it is given and not try to compel the whistleblower to spy on a superior or an agency, or try to turn a simple report into a future book deal.
Many people have learned to not go to reporters with their observations and testimonies because too many reporters demand documents, recordings, photos, additional witnesses, etc... as if the reporter is trying to build a prosecution argument for a court room instead of writing a story that will alert the public to gross misdeeds while at the same time providing real attorney's criminal info/leads they need to take to a courtroom.
Expect to soon see hundreds of reports in the news and on the internet about transgressions and crimes that IG's normally would have resolved in-house but now require open exposure.
Donald Trump appears to be doing everything he can to make more enemies... and this will come back to bite him. Every stupid decision he makes creates more people who hate his guts... and conclude that the only way to end the nightmares that Trump comes up with daily is to get rid of Trump.
(D/W Redacted), DOJ
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25 Jan 2025, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Street Fighter #15..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
Street Fighter, Part Fifteen, 21 Dec 2019
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Sat, 01/25/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Thu, 01/23/2025, 12:14 PST, 2nd Edition
"We be deputized...":
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Jose is a successful drug dealer. And because Jose is smarter than every SA in our office, past and present, we have never been able to get a drug conviction on him no matter how many times we succeeded in at least getting him into a courtroom. Jose is also an American citizen.
But Jose's wife is not an American. Starting today, we can arrest and deport illegal aliens. (Trump has declared that 'illegal immigrants' will henceforth be called 'illegal aliens'). We can't get Jose, but now we can get his wife.
The US Coast Guard shamed our agency by confiscating four times the amount of illegal drugs we captured. We got payback when Trump fired the USCG Commandant for out-performing us. Now it's payback. Along with out-performing the USCG who will get a new Commandant with less ambition to stop drugs, we also now have an opportunity to make illegal alien arrests to hike up our stats higher than the USCG... and maybe even higher than ICE. Yippee kay yay!!!
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 01/23/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Wed, 01/22/2025, 16:29 PST, 5th Edition
"Where Bongiovanni made his biggest mistake...":
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Bongiovanni made a big error by not using the money he received in bribes to buy Trump Bitcoin. Had he done so he might have received a full pardon from Donald Trump and be free to re-sell his Trump bitcoin to live high on the hog.
A word to the wise... if you are going to steal, steal a lot so that you can buy Trump's bitcoin to get a pardon from him. Or... steal in untrackable, untraceable amounts and stick the cash in your mattress to not be spent until after you have retired...
If you don't steal, then you're a fool because just about everyone associated with this new presidency is laughing all the way to their banks...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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22 Jan 2025, 13:54 PST, 4th Edition
"Thanks for the missions...":
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Wed, 01/22/2025, 11:19 PST, 3rd Edition
"Job Performance...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "John Maltz."
Another FOX News $#@!%*... Mouthy, opinionated, bully.
Unlike the rest of us who would be hammered for speaking publicly, he was all over FOX News because he said what MAGA and Trump wanted to hear.
George Orwell wrote: "All the DEA agents are equal... but the Trump DEA agents are more equal."
Someone wrote: "His future designation to be determined by us according to his behavior."
He was lightly vetted by the MAGA WH who probably asked only one question: 'If Trump nominates you, will you accept the job or throw it back into his face as that other guy did?'.
Now that his name is out there the news media will dig deep... especially to find out if he gave anyone at FOX News any trouble...
P.S. Maltz is 100% right about marijuana... it should NEVER have been legalized. But now that he is our Administrator, let's see if he will put his authority where his MAGA mouth is... which is to order that no person with a marijuana-use history be allowed to be hired by this agency from this point on.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 01/22/2025, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
By request the name...
Submittor's comments: "Trump a**hole?, or DEA asset? His future designation to be determined by us according to his behavior."
Wed, 01/22/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 01/20/2025, 21:07 PST, 3rd Edition
"Now you know what it's like...":
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Someone wrote: "Yesterday, President Donald Trump, on his first day in office ordered the terminations of thousands of federal employees and removals from jobs in the military. Those who chose not to resign were reassigned to jobs with far lower titles that they held many years before their promotions."
I have a friend over at State who has devoted a major percentage of his life to the Dept. He received official notice yesterday that someone almost half his age is now taking over his job, which was through Civil Service and not given to him by a Presidential appointment. He has now been reduced to the job title he held twenty-one years ago.
I won't repeat what he thinks about Donald Trump removing him from his job.
If we thought we were living and working in America we are wrong. We are living in Communist China and Communist Russia now. No one, except the Dictator's friends, are safe.
D/W Redacted), DOT
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Mon, 01/20/2025, 14:49 PST, 2nd Edition
"Now you know what it's like...":
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One hundred and eleven years ago following the election of Woodrow Wilson to the Presidency which he campaigned to be "the President of all the people", Wilson's Postmaster General, Albert S. Burleson, established a new policy that ordered all Negroes occupying managerial or supervisory or skilled positions be immediately transferred to 'Dead Letter Offices' where they would be demoted to little more than filing clerks.
Woodrow Wilson, a devout Southern racist, then extended Burleson's 'policy' throughout the entire federal workforce, including the military. From that point on, no African American was allowed to earn more than a white American, nor supervise a white American. Over the next year virtually every private business adopted the same 'policy'.
Yesterday, President Donald Trump, on his first day in office ordered the terminations of thousands of federal employees and removals from jobs in the military. Those who chose not to resign were reassigned to jobs with far lower titles that they held many years before their promotions.
The only difference between Wilson's 'policy' in 1913 and Trump's order in 2025 was that only blacks were affected by Wilson's policy, but any and all Americans, regardless of skin color, who were deemed not 'fully loyal' to Donald Trump fell to Trump's axe. And if history repeats itself in the private sector, we may see many former civil service employees refused employment by private companies hoping to be blessed by Donald Trump.
Perhaps now white Americans will know what it's like when a President decides who is on his 'Favored American' list.
Over the next few months we can expect to see thousands more Civil Service employees be demoted, transferred or out-right fired for failing to prove that their loyalty to Donald Trump exceeds their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States.
Perhaps Americans will now better understand how important it is to belong to a union or to ensure government service is Civil Service... and not Service to a President.
It took fifty-two years and eight President's later for blacks to be allowed to again hold senior and mid-level jobs in the federal government (The Civil Rights Act of 1965). But even the passage of President Lyndon Johnson's CRA has, to this day, continually been challenged by some white Americans who feel that being white deserves higher promotions and higher pay than black Americans. Hopefully it will not take fifty-two years for Donald Trump's new civil service policy to be reversed... and those who benefitted the most under Trump's policy to not resist or challenge a return to equal and fair employment.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Mon, 01/20/2025, 23:14 PST, 6th Edition
"One America... A white America":, con't
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Our military -- officers and enlisted alike -- are on pins and needles due to the possible new military engagements being talked about by Trump that everyone feels will not only be unnecessary, but stupid.
All it will take for a 'crack in the dyke' to become a flood will be for just one serviceperson to be killed in a 'trumped-up' combat engagement cooked up by our First Draft Dodger/Coward or one of his 'Armchair General' bozos.
And mixing civilians (DEA Agents) into military operations in Mexico, etc., to go after the drug cartels will be suicidal. DEA Agents are not the 'Arnold Scwharzennegers' or 'Sylvester Stallones' that the movies make out drug agents to be. Ninety percent of DEA agents don't have the first inkling of how to operate inside a military combat unit, much less are familiar with military equipment.
And eighty percent of DEA agents are not even physically capable of jungle warfare... geeziz! A lot of military personal even aren't... that's after excluding females from these ops!
Lastly, we don't have enough Green Berets, SEALS, and Rangers -- combined -- in our entire military to take on the drug gangs in Chicago... or NYC. How in Hell are we going to take on all of Mexico and South America... especially after foreign military advisers are brought in by the rich cartels to advise and assist the cartels. Gimme a break!!!
Trump never went to Vietnam. All Trump did was watch a bunch of movies...
(D/W Redacted), DOD
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Mon, 01/20/2025, 22:19 PST, 5th Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
My pal Mike #11 reports today that a group of State AG's met to discuss a hot matter that could result in now-President Trump being indicted in the not too distant future in one or more states for criminal conspiracy.
This group knows that Main has a POLICY that a sitting President will not be (federally) prosecuted for a crime, but there is no State policy or law that prevents a President from being indicted and prosecuted by a State. A state conviction, and particularly convictions in multiple states, could lead to a 3rd House impeachment trial, giving the new Senate a 3rd vote to remove Trump from office.
A conviction in a State court will, of course, be handed up to the Supreme Court who will then have to rule that Trump's 'hot matter criminal conspiracy' was a valid charge and conviction... or was within the scope of Trump's "official duties" as President inside a State.
Signed, (D/W redacted)
More later as Mike reports it.
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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Mon, 01/20/2025, 19:41 PST, 4th Edition
"The new 'Rat Patrol'...":
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The 'DEA Family' is now a myth because everyone in this agency, and in other agencies, are now going to get job security and perks if they get someone in their office to reveal they don't like Trump.
We've had slugs and we've had squirrels. Now we have rats.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Mon, 01/20/2025, 18:04 PST, 3rd Edition
"One America... A white America", con't:
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Question: How many of Trump's pardons will be working for a federal agency in a matter of weeks?
Answer: As many as who want jobs.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Mon, 01/20/2025, 13:25 PST, 2nd Edition
"One America... A white America":
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No matter how many Executive Orders Trump signs to get rid of DEI, non-white immigrants, and restore all of the top leadership positions to whites, four years will not be enough time to fully restore our country to a white America.
The only way to get a jump on increasing the white population so that non-white voters will return being insignificant in our elections is for Trump to re-start the Draft... and include women.
White women will not want to serve in our military. However, if they get pregnant they will be eligible for the same classification of medical exemption that Trump got five times to avoid his serving in our military.
If more white women got pregnant there will be more white babies... and in 18 years, more white voters.
Advice To Donald Trump: RE-START THE DRAFT!
(D/W Redacted), DOD
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Mon, 01/20/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sun, 01/19/2025, 18:04 PST, 4th Edition
"It's a new game in town...":, con't
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Someone wrote: "With a core group of lifelong grifters coming in charge, what bothers me most is how much money we deprive from the dealers we arrest will have to go into the pockets of the grifters and their stooges to be installed in Main."
Folks, that's the price we will have to pay to keep our agency from being shutdown.
The only thing worse than organized crime is organized crime running the government...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Sun, 01/19/2025, 13:26 PST, 3rd Edition
"It's a new game in town...":
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With a family of Grifters coming in charge, what bothers me most is how much money we deprive from the dealers we arrest will have to go into the pockets of the grifters and their stooges to be installed in Main.
Our new Administrator will insist the grifters get a cut of every cash grab we make...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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19 Jan 2025, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Special Report #19..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
America Is In Trouble , 07 Jun 2021
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Sun, 01/19/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 01/18/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Thu, 01/16/2025, 14:02 PST, 4th Edition
"Drug-addicted rats have taken over a Houston police evidence room after eating seized narcotics ...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Only in Texas can a scam this old look new and be gotten away with."
With the rodent problem quadrupuling in urban areas of Calif because the rodents in the forested areas have been fleeing the fire zone, we can probably expect some evidence room drug thieves in Calif PD's pulling the same stunt as the Houston PD drug thieves.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 01/16/2025, 13:05 PST, 3rd Edition
"Drug-addicted rats have taken over a Houston police evidence room after eating seized narcotics ...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Only in Texas can a scam this old look new and be gotten away with."
Not just in TX. The same thing will happen to our country after Trump installs his bunch of losers and incompetents to run our spy and intell agencies.
The Russians and Chinese won't have to devise any new operations to steal our secrets. All they have to do now is dust off some of their ancient ops from the 1950's to re-run on us.
Trump's bozo's won't/don't have a clue what they are doing because they know more about fingernail polish and grifting than our country's spy-fighting history.
(D/W Redacted), CIA
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Thu, 01/16/2025, 11:31 PST, 2nd Edition
"Drug-addicted rats have taken over a Houston police evidence room after eating seized narcotics ...":
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The only "rats" stealing drugs are the two-legged kind.
How difficult can it be steal the stash to sell back to local gangs, then kick a few holes in the walls, then sprinkle rat feces around the room and on the shelves that the gangs had their kids collect to make it look like four-legged rats ate the stash???
Only in Texas can a scam this old look new and be gotten away with.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 01/16/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Wed, 01/15/2025, 18:39 PST, 3rd Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
My pal Mike #4 reports today that a certain person soon to be installed in Main Justice talked to another soon-to-be MJ co-executive about using Main to obtain the NY (D/W Redacted) file on Donald Trump's trial that ended with thirty-four convictions. Mike reports that Person #A told Person #B that "needed on Day One" were the names of the jurors who convicted Trump. Person #B replied that delivering those names and their current location info was "doable", and that "with the correct approach" made by "some really good persuaders I know", one or more of those jurors might be persuaded to "confess" actions, issues or words spoken among the other jurors in the jury room that will provide a basis to have some or all of the jury verdicts voided if not by "(NY) state, then by the Supremes".
Signed, (D/W redacted)
More later as Mike reports it.
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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Wed, 01/15/2025, 11:48 PST, 2nd Edition
"What my boss should do tonight...":
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To go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents in our history -- and the most sacrificing President of all -- Joe should resign from office tonight to allow Harris to become the 47th President of the United States.
But it won't happen because it's too easy, too right, and it might energize Democrats to fight hard to preserve our Democracy.
And it would drive Trump both bonkers and to the Supremes to demand Harris' presidency be annulled.
(D/W Redacted), Staff, White House
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Wed, 01/15/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 01/14/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 01/13/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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12 Jan 2025 2024, 20:13 PST, 3rd Edition
Results of Yesterday's 24 hour Survey:
(DEA Watch Note: Statistical results are rounded off to their nearest whole number.)
QUESTION 1/1: Should a candidate who has been approved to hold an office be summarily removed from that office and ordered to stand trial before the United States Senate if it has been determined that they lied during their Confirmation Hearing?
Yes... 93%
12 Jan 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Tactical Takeaway #22..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
The White Report
TACTICAL TAKEAWAY #22 -- From 19 Jun 2022
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Sun, 01/12/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 01/11/2025, 15:38 PST, 2nd Edition
"DEA Watch 24 hour Survey...":
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The Survey question asked: "Should a candidate who has been approved to hold an office be summarily removed from that office and ordered to stand trial before the United States Senate if it has been determined that they lied during their Confirmation Hearing?"
To heck with a trial by our corrupt Senate where every Senator is a millionaire... and half of them kiss the ground that Donald Trump walks on!
Anyone who lies to LE is referred to Main for criminal prosecution. Any high-level appointee-candidate who lies to the Senate during their confirmation hearing should be referred to Main for criminal prosecution and immediately suspended from their job.
Gorsuch and Kavanaugh lied to the Senate by saying they saw no justification for reversing Roe v. Wade. Barrett didn't lie. She answered correctly when asked about Roe v. Wade by skillfully evading the question. Her vote to kill Roe v. Wade was expected, but not lied about.
We need to get people who lied to get into office, out of office!!!
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Sat, 01/11/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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10 Jan 2025, 13:00 PST, 2nd Edition
"Thanks for the mission...":
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Wed, 01/08/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 01/07/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 01/06/2025, 12:48 PST, 3rd Edition
"The Clock...", con't:
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I don't know what this "Event" is or will be that others have written about on The Watch. But I suspect that it will be a major incident or occurrence reminiscent of the "Boom" warnings that appeared on The Watch in the weeks before 911.
What I can surmise, however, is that our country has dramatically changed over the last ten years. We are not in 2024 as many would think. Actually, we are in 1861... the year a vast number of crazies who believed their view of freedom and democracy only applied to them because they were wealthy (and white). Even poor whites in 1861 had more privileges because they were ensured that they would never have to compete economically with the millions of black and Chinese Americans in our country.
1861 is being resurrected again by the same people who disrupted our country and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands... which will equate to millions in today's population numbers.
Every American who voted to return to 1861 by choosing Trump are the guilty ones. After the upcoming "Event" or whatever is coming, I hope that the sane Americans who win, as they won in 1865, will this time actually punish the guilty to such a severe extent they will not again be allowed to crawl back into a hole only to slither out a third time...
D/W Redacted, DOJ
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Mon, 01/06/2025, 10:12 PST, 2nd Edition
"The Clock...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "The clock was started on the event."
Today, January 6th, is on record to be known as 'Pre-Event Remembrance Day'*.
I repeat the previous writer: "Duty, Honor, Country."
Capitol Police
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Sun, 01/05/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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05 Jan 2025, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Street Fighter 14..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
Street Fighter, Part Fourteen, 02 May 2019
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Sat, 01/04/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Thu, 01/02/2025, 17:41 PST ,3rd Edition
"Report From the Tunnel...":
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I know another way to "radicalize" veterans... Elect a five-time Draft Dodger who palsy's up with a hundred military-evading billionaires who think up ways to cut veteran's benefits, slash veteran's hospital budgets, and privatize doctors who will deliver sub-standard health care in the interest of saving the government money.
Maybe the two vets were 'radicalized' by watching TV news. Or maybe they were radicalized by a country of 80 million voters who chose to side with the draft dodgers and cowards who never put on a uniform because they were/are gutless yellow-bellies.
But maybe more of our non-military cowards here in this agency will understand better when the incoming president chooses a scumbag Fox News host or some other worthless piece of s**t to be our next Administrator...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 01/02/2025, 13:48 PST, 2nd Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
Here is something that my pal Mike 6 picked up recently after witnessing an interview with a highly intelligent former adversary kept on the (D/W Redacted) payroll to advise our intell executives. The following will make sense to some, but appear "radical" to others...
After every 'terrorist' action is committed by an American citizen the news media, and even your (our) own intell analysts, puzzle themselves over the eternal question: 'How can an American who enjoys the best lifestyle on the planet choose to commit a terrorist act?'
The answer is simple... the American citizen watches the TV news and daily grows deeply disturbed learning that leaders in his own country grow fatter and richer by the day while they fund so-called "Allies" who commit atrocious, Sadistic and genocidal acts against others.
The answer on how to stop this "radicalization" of American citizens is simply to stop teaching them from their earliest years that America stands for good and right. American kids need to be taught to enjoy bleeding, subjugating, tormenting and murdering people who don't look like us or believe in our version of God. When American kids grow up to become the butchers American leaders finance and supply they won't have any compunction to think or do otherwise.
This, of course, means either teaching American kids that all Americans are equal... or the reverse... that America must consist of only one race, one religion and all pursuing greed, the path America elected last year when Americans chose to put a convicted CEO felon in charge of their government. The recent events are a direct response to last year's election to turn American democracy into an American oligarchy.
If we continue to teach American kids the difference between right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and evil they will remain influencable to "radicalization" by one extreme or the other. And that "radicalization" process does not need to be taught by a non-American entity -- although most 'radicals' may choose to adopt a non-American influencer -- the "radicalization" process can occur simply by repeatedly turning on the TV news to see malicious things being done by American leaders in the name of America.
You Americans need to take the gloves off by teaching your kids that it is good to be evil, good to be greedy, good to lie, cheat, steal and rape, torment and torture... but only against non-Americans. Those re-trained American kids will then no longer target their fellow Americans.
And at that time the eternal question about why an American targeted another American will never again have to be asked...
Signed (D/W redacted)
More later as Mike reports it.
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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Wed, 01/01/2025, 20:03 PST, 4th Edition
"A debt to pay...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "I have a question... will the convicted felons, some of whom have a violent history, feel the desire to repay Donald Trump for pardoning them by committing a violent crime against someone that Trump has repeatedly spoken badly about?"
I heard that Trump was considering giving some of his pardoned goons jobs in LE and FBI.
Trump may want to consider having his pardoned goons rejoin their para-military extremist organizations where they can sniff out the members who now hate Trump. Trump's goons wanted to be his favorite pets. They weren't counting on Elon Musk and his billions that could be spent on creating a Trump Army with 'General' Musk in command replacing them.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 01/01/2025, 19:47 PST, 3rd Edition
"Report from the Tunnel...", con't:
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I researched my DEA Watch archives from 2002 where I found LE was very concerned back then about IED's and truck's used as weapons. But back then LE thought it would be foreigners from the Middle East who would explode them. Little did we suspect we would have a President who thrives on inciting people and makes it a daily practice to threaten his fellow Americans. Trump started this on 01/06/2020. Did he think that only his crowd would engage in terrorism? I wouldn't be surprised if all the craziness going on weren't his own people who realized that it is Trump and not his political rivals who are perpetrating the causing all of the tension. After all, two of his former supporters, so far, have tried to shoot him.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 01/01/2025, 19:21 PST, 2nd Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
My pal Mike 12 reports tonight from FL that Donald Trump held a conference call with several of his LE, Intell and DOGE appointees on the subject of declaring martial law across the country shortly after his inauguration. The conferees unanimously agreed that today's two truck incidents justify martial law.
One of the conferees stated he wanted federal officers permanently stationed at his corporate and manufacturing offices throughout the country.
More later as Mike reports it.
Signed (D/W redacted)
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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Wed, 01/01/2025, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 12/31/2024, 15:48 PST, 5th Edition
"Report from the Tunnel...", con't:
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Govt offices and depts are not packed up and moved to another city in order to save money or operate more efficiently. Govt offices and depts are shut down solely for the purpose of eliminating numbers of employees who for various reasons cannot move to a city in another state. Those eliminated workers are then replaced with selected political loyalists who will do anything, even illegal, to get and keep their new federal jobs.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Tue, 12/31/2024, 15:02 PST, 4th Edition
"Report from the Tunnel...", con't:
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FACT: There is NO immediate need for "skilled foreign labor" in the US. There is only a need by billionaires to replace American workers with foreigners who will work for less money and do whatever their billionaire boss orders them to do.
Billionaires and uncompassionate Corporations want workers who are loyal to them and do not have any loyalty to, much less knowledge, of American values and the history of the American workers fight over generations to achieve fair and protected employment.
As for long-term skilled labor needs... we can teach our own kids to supply that need. But we won't be able to if school systems are upended and college admission is restricted to the children of selected parents based on their race or political loyalties.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Tue, 12/31/2024, 14:41 PST, 3rd Edition
"The Russians are coming...":
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Donald Trump made it clear during his first term that he "trusted Russian intelligence information over American intelligence reports."
There is word on the street saying Vladmir Putin is so worried about the safety of Donald Trump that he is prepared to send dozens of teams of already trained Russian agents "fluent in English and the American culture" to the US to liaison with Secret Service under a proposed mandate to be ordered by Trump's next FBI and CIA Director's.
Both Trump's new FBI and CIA will ensure the Russians will be provided access to all reports both agencies receive about "both physical threats and political opposition to Trump." These Russian operatives will, according sources close to Putin, be able to "do things and carry out services" that American agents would never "cross the line" to do.
Putin repeatedly referred to "foreign Generals and soldiers" who were allowed By General George Washington to fight on US soil during the Revolutionary War.
Although Putin believes that there are a number of CIA and FBI agents who "will jump with both feet over to Trump" to keep their jobs, he also feels that there are more CIA and FBI agents who will "go soft in the belly and resist" performing outside their traditional roles... i.e., refuse to investigate or arrest Americans simply for disliking Donald Trump and his efforts to re-write the US Constitution.
(D/W Redacted), DOJ
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Tue, 31 Dec 2024, 11:29 PST, 2nd Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
A report filed today details the incoming WH Administration's plan to insert Russian intel operatives into US military, law enforcements and intell community positions on all levels, while Chinese intel operatives will be inserted into low, medium and senior tech and educational jobs for the purpose of replacing native-born Americans who will be jettisoned by means of out-right firings, bad performance reviews, forced transfers, and job eliminations.
The Report reveals that the overall Russian and Chinese plan is to completely 'de-historize' the United States to render it incapable of responding to Communist and dictatorial threats that were, since WW2, either defeated or contained by American democratic morality that was born on ending one-man, one-idea rule during our Revolutionary War.
The Report reads that if American morality is no longer taught in US schools with the de-federalization of the Dept of Education and US history is replaced with 'turn-the-other-cheek' Christian passivity that teaches to accept tyranny as normal; and if American workers are divided with a 'dog-eat-dog', viciously competing socialization norm that favors only those who swear allegiance to a Supreme Leader, then America will no longer serve as a threat or containment to dictator rule.
The Report summarizes that the insertion of Russian and Chinese trained operatives into all levels of American society will achieve the goal of defeating America from the inside out; and any 'shots being fired' will be fired by Americans at Americans and not at America's true enemies.
The administrative removal of mass numbers of current federal and corporate employees who will not swear absolute loyalty to President Trump will begin on Jan 21st using every 'device' possible. Anyone now considering quitting their job to avoid being fired by the incoming Administration would be making a grave mistake because the sheer number of jobs to be forcibly ended will make the civilian job market on a pay scale required to maintain their current lifestyle so dense it will render out-of-work former government employees jobless for months, if not years... and Elon Musk -- as well as other incoming Trump executives -- can only hire a limited number of bodyguards and clerks to protect them and count their dollars...
(D/W redacted)
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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Tue, 12/31/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 12/30/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sun, 12/29/2024, 18:04 PST, 4th Edition
"A debt to pay...", con't :
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Someone wrote: "I have a question... will the convicted felons, some of whom have a violent history, feel the desire to repay Donald Trump for pardoning them by committing a violent crime against someone that Trump has repeatedly spoken badly about?"
Which is why that weasel-d**k, cowardly a**hole we still have as AG until Jan 20th should get a expedited law passed that will immediately revoke/rescind pardons of jerks who are arrested for a felony crime... and that pardon will not be reinstated unless the jerk is exonerated from his newest felony.
There is nothing in the Constitution that says a presidential pardon can't be revoked if a pardoned creep commits arrested for committing a new crime. Our Founding Fathers should have made that explicit when they gave bad presidents the right to pardon.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Sun, 12/29/2024, 16:11 PST, 3rd Edition
"A debt to pay...":
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I have a question... will the convicted felons, some of whom have a violent history, feel the desire to repay Donald Trump for pardoning them by committing a violent crime against someone that Trump has repeatedly spoken badly about?
And if so, will the DOJ after Jan 20th refuse to protect the people Trump has said should be punished for investigating and prosecuting him.
(D/W Redacted), DOJ
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Sun, 12/29/2024, 14:37 PST, 2nd Edition
"Why idiot criminals shoot first...":
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Anyone looking at the stats on criminals who immediately shoot when a cop orders them to surrender upon discovering them engaged in a crime will see that fifty years ago most criminals dropped their weapons and surrendered. But stats are opposite today.
Today most criminals immediately start shooting in the direction of LE when they are caught in the act and ordered to surrender.
The reason for this 180 degree shift is none other that TV. TV show writers over the years have increasingly written criminal characters who shoot instead of surrender.
This means that the way to re-reverse this problem is to get TV show writers to stop writing scenes with criminals shooting at LE and start surrendering.
(D/W Redacted), DOJ
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29 Dec 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Special Report #18..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
Center of Gravity
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Sun, 12/29/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 12/28/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Thu, 12/26/2024, 18:26 PST, 2nd Edition
"The Clock...":
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The clock was started on the event.
For the world to survive, our nation must survive.
Duty, Honor, Country.
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Thu, 12/26/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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24 Dec 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"Pardon planned...", con't:
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Back on Jul 22 I asked Phill Coleman at DEA Watch to publish the following: "Word in the corridors here in Main says Hunter will be pardoned by his Dad, but not until AFTER the election. Everyone I talked to here supports that post-election pardon because Hunter's conviction was for an administrative policy crime and not a crime that caused anyone any harm, either physical or economic."
Then on 11 Nov an "S/A" wrote the following: "One incentive for Biden to resign, and resign quickly is that Harris can pardon Biden's idiot son, freeing Hunter from federal prosecution. Biden has promised not to pardon Hunter. But President Harris never made that promise."
Biden totally screwed his lasting credibility by going back on his solemn word, spoken publicly a half-dozen times, that he would NOT pardon Hunter.
The ONLY way for Biden to reclaim a small part of his now destroyed legacy is to 1) void his son's pardon. And 2) resign.
Harris will then instantly become the 47th President and she can re-issue Hunter's pardon... along with pardons for everyone Trump and his criminal brood has threatened legal harassment against.
(D/W Redacted), (D/W Redacted)
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Tue, 12/24/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 12/23/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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22 Nov 2024, 16:11 PST, 4th Edition
"We employ drug addicts...", con't:
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Someone wrote last month: "Anyone who says the DEA would never employ a drug addict is a liar. We have employed drug addicts for decades... These drug addicts are cigarette smokers. They are addicted to a drug stimulant called nicotine."
Ever since I read this on The Watch last month I have silently surveyed the people in (my) office. We have a lot of drug addicts hooked on nicotine.
I have found, while watching smokers, that the only difference between nicotine addicts and those addicted to heroin, fentanyl, marijuana, coke and other hard drugs is that nicotine takes longer to kill the user and harm the lives of people around the user. If people died from nicotine in the shorter time it takes for hard drug users to visibly deteriorate more would be done on a govt level to get rid of cigarettes.
Nicotine addicts employ the same traits as hard drug addicts. They lie, they sneak, they cheat... and they probably steal. Nicotine addicts, just like hard drug addicts, have only one real desire in life... and that is to keep their addicted drug flowing in their bloodstream. Everything else they do in life is secondary to their addiction.
I can't help but wonder just how much more effective and efficient our agency would be if we didn't employ drug addicts to end drug addiction...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Sun, 12/22/2024, 12:09 PST, 3rd Edition
"An epitaph was published today...":
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"Two birds with one stone..."
The epitaph announced and published today just granted everyone with a plan to use this announcement for cover or purpose.
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22 Dec 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Tactical Takeaway #21..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
The White Report
TACTICAL TAKEAWAY #21 -- From 04 Jun 2022
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Sun, 12/22/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 12/21/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Thu, 12/19/2024, 13:27 PST, 2nd Edition
"Biden's DEA Administrator Touts Massive Decline in Fentanyl Overdoses...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "A lie!!!... It sounds like a failure soon to be kicked out by Trump is trying to generate fake news titles that she can include in her resume for future job hunting."
Any lie could be stated any day of the week. It's too bad our Administrator appears willing to say something that isn't true when that statement might make her resume look better... but not when an untruth can be said to make anti-drugwar politics better.
Too bad she didn't play down fentanyl before the election so that Donald Trump couldn't use fentanyl to justify his planned immigration sweeps... and attract more Hispanic votes for Harris... or to prevent Trump's fentanyl criticism of the Biden Admin.
We've had too many Administrators who took the job for themselves and not for us, and not for the American public...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Tue, 12/17/2024, 14:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"A NATO for the news media...", con't:
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Two days ago someone wrote: "To prevent the piecemeal destruction and takeover of the American news industry (the news media) needs to form a defensive organization like NATO that operates under the rule that when one newspaper or news station is attacked by Trump, he attacks every news provider. News agencies must use their 'NATO' membership to unite as one to stop Trump from taking over and controlling the news."
A new organization to protect news providers across the country from Trump was announced today.
(D/W Redacted), (D/W Redacted)
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Thu, 12/19/2024, 13:27 PST, 2nd Edition
"Biden's DEA Administrator Touts Massive Decline in Fentanyl Overdoses...":
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A lie!!1
It sounds like a failure soon to be kicked out by Trump is trying to generate fake news titles that she can include in her resume for future job hunting.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 12/19/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Wed, 12/18/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 12/17/2024, 14:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"A NATO for the news media...":
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Whether we like the news media or not, we need it. It is the news media that tells the public about the seriousness of the illegal drug problem that every President after George W Bush Sr. has failed to adequately confront... and even gone so far as to pardoning boatloads of merciless, greedy drug dealers who caused the deaths of Americans.
Donald Trump has begun his campaign to destroy the American news media for the purpose of turning it into a public relations tool for himself. Those of us who have worked in various countries know how the leaders of those countries are secretly behind their country's illegal drug problem. These leaders prevent their news media from reporting the seriousness of the drug problem and prevent the public from learning that it is their own government officials that poison them daily to make them docile and compliant. It is not until and unless one of these leaders fail that the world learns about the extensiveness of the illegal drug activity.
It was only after our country toppled the Taleban in 2001 that we learned Afghanistan was a major international drug supplier on a scale far larger than previously thought. And recently, it was only after Assad's fall in Syria did the world learn how massive his illegal drug industry had grown. Both of those countries, and others, first destroyed their news media.
Trump declared war on the American news media today. Trump hopes to target news companies one-by-one to force them into bankruptcy so that they can be quickly bought up by pro-dictator news companies like FOX News that have a history of withholding vital information to Americans.
To prevent the piecemeal destruction and takeover of the American news industry it needs to form a defensive organization like NATO that operates under the rule that when one newspaper or news station is attacked by Trump, he attacks every news provider. News agencies must use their 'NATO' membership to unite as one to stop Trump from taking over and controlling the news.
On the same subject, our people here in DEA and in other LE agencies need to be more forthcoming to journalists. The days of holding back information that the public has a right and need to know are over. We are not protecting the public by keeping them in the dark... with our silence we are only protecting bimbo, moron and incompetent suits who shouldn't have the jobs they are in.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Tue, 12/17/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 12/16/2024, 14:38 PST, 2nd Edition
"Some never evolve...":
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American Negroes have a long history of being musical people... which is why our American blacks were groomed for over a century-and-a-half from birth to be either singers or athletes... and in both careers they have proven themselves aptly placed.
In the 1939 Malcolm X told his white Sophomore-year High School teacher that he wanted to be a lawyer when he grew up. The white teacher, himself accustomed by tradition after Woodrow Wilson, by way of Executive Order in 1913 restricting all black workers to service-labor jobs, told young Malcolm that he should instead inspire to become a great elevator operator, or janitor, or athlete or musician. All black kids were told this by both white and black teachers up until 1965 when LBJ voided parts of Wilson's 'Second-Class Citizenship' order through the Civil Rights Act.
If Malcolm X were alive today he would probably be enormously disappointed in Ketanji Brown Jackson who despite climbing her way through law school, the corporate world and state legal jobs, rose to become a Supreme Court Justice... while at the same time also becoming what blacks in America since the end of our Civil War became best at... entertaining white people.
Jackson not only achieved a seat on the United States Supreme Court, she also achieved a starring role in a Broadway play ('& Juliet'... a homosexual rendition of 'Romeo and Juliet') in which Jackson sings and dances with an Al Jolson grin.
There is an old saw that goes... "You can take the Negro ghetto out of the ghetto... but you can't take the ghetto out of the Negro.". Ms. Jackson proved that to be true... and also proved that clowns can sit as Justices over American law on the Supreme Court of the United States...
Wherever Malcolm X resides today, no doubt he is shaking his head in sorrow that no matter how much blood, sweat and tears... and lives... were poured into gaining equal rights, blacks like Jackson only return the American Negro back to their native beginnings in this country... Clarence Thomas's high-stakes greed rendering him a glorified chicken thief... and Ketanji Brown Jackson being nothing more than a grinning lump of meat with a hole in it...
(D/W Redacted), (D/W Redacted)
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Mon, 12/16/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sun, 12/15/2024, 10:31 PST, 3rd Edition
"You've got mail...":
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The only city officials who haven't yet figured out that a lot of those drones they see and think are recreational flights or UFO's... get a clue! They are delivering drugs!!!
Geez! how stupid can people be??? Did only drug dealers get PhD's????
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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12 Dec 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Street Fighter #13..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
Street Fighter, Part Thirteen, 02 Dec 2018
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Sun, 12/15/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 12/14/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Thu, 12/12/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Wed, 12/11/2024, 18:02 PST, 4th Edition
"The right move...", con't:
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When the future becomes the present there must not be a respectable Director on duty for the Bureau to be saved.
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Wed, 12/11/2024, 13:31 PST, 3rd Edition
"The right move...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "... but Chris did the right thing because one or more events will happen under whichever idiot Trump appoints to be our Director -- and especially Patel -- that Chris will not want us to investigate; nor should Chris be blamed for."
And when events occur there will be many in Trump World who will say, "We wish Trump had not tried to replace Wray."
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Wed, 12/11/2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"The right move...":
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There will be some who think Chris was morally wrong or even cowardly for "abandoning" us, but Chris did the right thing because one or more events will happen under whichever idiot Trump appoints to be our Director -- and especially Patel -- that Chris will not want us to investigate; nor should Chris be blamed for.
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Wed, 12/11/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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12 Oct 2024, 18:36 PST, 3rd Edition
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Tuesday Afternoon Think Piece: "Why Kamala Lost: Fatal Violation of the LBJ Rule....":
Sixty years ago in 1964 President Lyndon Baines Johnson faced a closer re-election than Kamala Harris in 2024. LBJ's rival, Senator Barry Goldwater, commanded a narrow lead of voters who wanted the African-American Civil Rights extinguished, war against China and Russia turned from cold to hot, and the wealthy to run America as a business. LBJ wanted the opposite. LBJ also knew his chances of defeating Goldwater to keep his JFK-inherited presidency was on narrow grounds because aside from Southern states still having free reign since the end of the Civil War to suppress black votes, there were too many blacks in other states who were too lazy or too stupid to vote in their best interest for LBJ. And without a strong black voting public many whites who supported black civil rights would choose to stay at home because it made no sense to support blacks when too many blacks wouldn't support themselves. (It would be in the next few years that a handful of white Democrats such as George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan would choose to become Republicans. Bush competed as a Democrat for a House seat in a predominantly black Texas District against an avowed white Republican racist. But Bush lost because a large majority of eligible black voters chose to stay home on election day rather than vote for Bush who fought for black civil rights in the last state to free its Slaves.) Bush would lose again in 1992 against Bill "It's the economy, Stupid!" Clinton for failing, as Harris did in 2024, to use his incumbency to stop corporate grocery gouging.
The largest voting issue during the 1964 campaign between Goldwater and LBJ was Vietnam. Goldwater wanted to rush American combat troops to Vietnam... LBJ learned from Eisenhower and JFK that the war against Communism should not be fought in enemy-personnel-rich Vietnam.
Faced with either narrowly losing the election to Goldwater, LBJ who was chosen by JFK as his running mate in 1960 was because LBJ was a "smart cookie", LBJ quickly assessed his predicament and came to the stark realization that his battle with the Goldwater faction of the country was not between candidate vs candidate, but between candidate vs incumbent.
LBJ figured out that a candidate (in any election) has only one thing going for him or her... their promises to make specific changes to the incumbent's policies. But incumbents had a greater advantage because incumbent's don't have to rely on making promises... they can instantly make new policy.
LBJ soundly defeated Goldwater in 1964 because LBJ gave Goldwater supporters what they foremost wanted... a hot war in Vietnam. And without a new war to lead as a campaign promise, the wind in Goldwater's sail floundered and sank. LBJ won.
Harris lost in 2024 because she arrogantly assumed that promises made to voters would make her President. What Harris failed to realize was that she had the ability, even when working under a slug and moron named Joe Biden, that she could make policy an instant reality BEFORE the election. Harris could have walked the few steps between her office in the WH and Biden's to demand that he sign an Executive Order making tips non-taxable. She could have also demanded Biden issue an Executive Order rolling back grocery prices... or aggressively prosecuting price gouging to bring prices down. Both of these initiatives would have immediately taken hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump who could only promise these fixes... if elected.
In 2024, as in 1964, the public would have not found it necessary to vote for a contender who might or might not follow through on campaign promises if the current incumbent had already fulfilled those promises.
As of this date Harris has shown no indication that she realizes why she failed. For that reason, Harris should not be the Democrat's choice in 2028... her chances as a promise-making, junior contender will be less than her previous chances as a policy-creating incumbent...
-- 30 --
Other reports are Archived by The American War Library
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Tue, 12/10/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 12/09/2024, 15:58 PST, 3rd Edition
"Where is OUR pay increase!!!...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "All of this is too bad for us in LE because the press never made as much a stink about Trump's negative comments about us as he made against our military."
The news media will never show any support or sympathy for LEO's because we hire far too many bozos and racists who like to maim and kill innocent civilians.
And the American friendly-fire casualty rate in LE is about seventy times higher than in our military...
(D/W Redacted), G/S
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Mon, 12/09/2024, 13:09 PST, 2nd Edition
"Where is OUR pay increase!!!...":
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Before, during and after Trump's first presidency he openly expressed his disdain for our military, his distrust for our intell community, and desire to completely overhaul our justice administration to allow white-collar criminals more freedom to operate and avoidance of punishment.
As a result of Trump's demeaning and insulting comments about military personnel, the Republicans in Congress have initiated and will approve the largest, single payroll percentage increase in U.S. military history for junior enlisted personnel. (Senior enlisted people won't be getting the same pay raise because their service is mostly behind them and they have retirement-for-life to benefit from.)
The pay increase for junior enlisted people is wise because a lot of kids may choose not to serve under a second Trump presidency. Some kids are expected to not re-enlist, and those who haven't enlisted may choose burger-flipping as civilians rather than become critical technicians in our military... but the Republican pay increase is expected to be an incentive to re-enlist and enlist.
All of this is too bad for us in LE because the press never made as much a stink about Trump's negative comments about us as he made against our military. Hence, there is no pay increase on our horizon to serve as an incentive to continue working for a President who worships our nation's enemies and pardons criminals who attacked LEO's... and a President who did NOTHING during his first presidency to alter the growing menace of illegal drugs. It was near the final year of the first Trump presidency that fentanyl began its rise to become the crises it is today. And we all know that nipping a problem in the bud prevents that problem from growing.
So there will be no pay raises for us.
Pity the breeders in our bunch who won't be able quit because the civilian job market is slow for our pay levels... and it may take a presidential assassination, following more CEO executions, for a new personal security industry growth to provide us civilian jobs so that we won't have to work under Donald Trump (or J.D. Vance) and Kash Patel... and whatever ever jerk Trump (or Vance) picks to run our agency...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Mon, 12/09/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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08 Dec 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Special Report #17..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
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Sun, 12/08/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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06 Dec 2024, 18:04 PST, 2nd Edition
"Thanks for the mission...":
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Fri, 12/06/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Thu, 12/05/2024, 16:04 PST, 5th Edition
"Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray, Dear Lord...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Post-JFK law allows the Secret Service to arrest anyone planning to kill an American president. But no law can be written to prevent anyone or everyone for praying to their God that He works in the most convenient and expedient way possible to remove a bad and psychotic president."
Trump has persistently attached his name and voice to every major news event or personality of the day in order to get people to thinking also about him.
Because of free speech, the internet, and public airwaves it is only a matter of time before a lot of people are speaking openly about Trump disappearing from the face of the Earth.
Trump loves publicity but he won't like it when so many people are saying they wish him deader than a cold mackerel drying up in a desert sun on a bed of thorns that have been poisoned with potassium chloride in a mixture of bleach and hydrochloroquine... then fragmented by a sub-atomic missile, Kim Jung Un style...
The 'smart play' for Donald Trump would be to lock himself into a room that only allows his immediate family to enter... then hope that he never has to utter, "Et tu..."
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Thu, 12/05/2024, 15:22 PST, 4th Edition
"Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray, Dear Lord...":
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A month back someone wrote: "With Trump gone his successor, President Vance, will most certainly want to replace Trump's looney people with loonies of his own... which, reasonably, won't be as looney as Trump's."
There are a lot of people in our intell community, the military, Justice Dept, and every other agency who work on levels from GS-1 to Appointee who wish for nothing more than to wake up in the morning to read in the news that Donald Trump died in his sleep after choking on a Big Mac that tried to crawl up out of his stomach but got stuck in his esophagus.
So it goes without saying that if Trump died, or was yanked away by a UFO, all of this insanity Trump is wreaking would instantly go away because there is a good chance that Vance would not want to end up like Trump so he will drop all of Trump's crazy BS... and the wacko people Trump has picked to destroy our country... into the nearest trashcan. To get the VP job Vance flipped from sane to insane. For a chance to become a truly great and loved President, Vance might choose to return to sanity.
What millions of Americans, and millions around the world need to do is pray to their God that Trump dies from any cause possible... and dies sooner than later. Post-JFK law allows the Secret Service to arrest anyone planning to kill an American president. But no law can be written to prevent anyone or everyone for praying to their God that He works in the most convenient and expedient way possible to remove a bad and psychotic president.
It is a terrible thing to see how a lone drug addict can destroy the fabric of his/her entire family. It is horrifically terrible when an insane, wanna-be dictator jerk destroys the moral and legal fabric of a great nation that, after eons of societies progressing in blood loss toward democracy, all gets lost to the greed of billionaires, rapists and psychopaths....
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Thu, 12/05/2024, 14:31 PST, 3rd Edition
"Biden NEEDS to ACT on Trump Prosecutions!...", con't:
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Back on Nov 18th someone wrote: "In view of the repetitive threats by the Presidential Candidate, and now President-Elect to seek destructive and malicious revenge on all persons associated with his federal criminal indictments and prosecutions, President Joseph Biden needs to ACT now on the following document and not delay, as is his usual pattern until great damage has been done to a great many innocent parties..."
Today the commercial news pokes are saying that Biden is "considering" issuing pardons to multiple people in his Admin, the military and DOJ to protect them from Trump's promised "retribution" for making decision he didn't like, or for prosecuting his criminal conduct.
'Slow' Joe, who was born with the slowest brain on the planet, appears to finally be 'getting it'... late, as usual.
Now Biden needs to pick out a date to announce his resignation so that Kamala Harris can break history by becoming the first female President of the U.S... if even for a short time.
It's only too bad that Biden didn't resign on Sunday and let Harris issue all the protective pardons... including a pardon for Hunter... he would've saved himself a lot of grief over going back on his promised word.
If several of our past DEA Administrators had read The Watch on a regular basis they could have kept their jobs and saved themselves a lot of grief and humiliation. If Biden read The Watch he could quickly come up with fixes that he could claim as his own ideas and save himself a lot of grief... as well as looking like a hero.
(D/W Redacted), Now at DOJ
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Tue, 12/05/2024, 11:31 PST, 2nd Edition
"Add another American to the list...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Chad Chronister becomes yet another American who has witnessed, first-hand, that Donald Trump is the "chronic and pathological liar". Chronister politely declined Trump's offer to become our next Administrator. But Trump... so say that it wasn't Chronister who 'fired' Trump, but it was he, Trump, who 'fired' Chronister."
Chronister failed to learn that anyone who even talks to Trump ends up in the garbage heap. Chronister ends up being called a liar by the (next) President of the U.S., and because Trump has a microphone Chronister will never be able to clear his good name. Chronister must now spend he rest of his life being thought of by some as a liar... when in fact, Chronister displayed truth, honor, integrity and politeness.
Only a fool signs up to work with a tennis shoe salesman with a career history of sexual aberration and financial fraud.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 12/05/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 12/04/2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"Add another American to the list...":
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Chad Chronister becomes yet another American who has witnessed, first-hand, that Donald Trump is the "chronic and pathological liar" that his former attorney, Michael Cohen, warned the country about.
Chronister politely declined Trump's offer to become our next Administrator. But Trump doesn't like being told no. So being the petty, yellow-belly coward and punk that he is, Trump came out a day after Chronister declined to say that it wasn't Chronister who 'fired' Trump, but it was he, Trump, who 'fired' Chronister. Talk about being a petty p**sy!
Trump falsely claims he withdrew Chronister's name because Chronister arrested a pastor who defied local law by assembling a congregation during the high point of Covid. Chronister arrested the moron pastor for jeopardizing the lives of his parishioners... some of whom are said to have contracted Covid during the assembly.
Chronister tried to save lives at a time when Trump was causing Covid deaths by spewing misinformation from the WH press room.
Chronister learned early that a sexual abuser and a convict should not be trusted. The sad part is that Trump will not forget Chronister. Trump will add Chronister to his hate list.
Chronister may get another chance to lead our agency in four years when the Dems choose a much better candidate than Harris to run for the WH.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 12/04/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 12/03/2024, 15:26 PST, 5th Edition
"Duty, Honor, Country...":
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Someone wrote: "Very wisely, Sheriff Chronister has decided to withdraw from Trump's nomination to be our next Administrator. The Sheriff has had a good record. It would have been senseless for any true lawman to accept a job offered by a convicted sex abuser and convicted felon who has pardoned convicted drug dealers for political gain."
Duty, Honor, Country. And above those, Personal Integrity.
It is an honor to be selected by a President to manage a federal agency. But that honor doesn't exist when the president is a sexual abuser, felon, tennis-shoe-selling, yellow belly Draft dodger.
It would have been a disaster for Chad's life and career, after packing his family and moving to DC, to have to work under a Felon-in-the-Making, Tom Honan, who everyone who knows him can predict Honan will commit human atrocities and drag Chad and everyone else down with him.
A "true lawman", as someone else wrote today, would be stupid to risk and jeopardize his future working for and with a bunch of psychotics and savages who have zero-to-no regard for law or human life.
Only a total fool, or another savage, would take an LE job under Trump who should and would have been in jail long before now if not for his pals in the Supreme Court... and that chicken-s**t coward, Garland, in my building who refused to start prosecuting Trump on Jan 22nd, 2020.
(D/W Redacted), DOJ
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Mon, 12/03/2024, 15:05 PST, 4th Edition
"We shift to the White again...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "It will be Chronister's association with Trump that we should look closely at because one thing we all know for sure is that EVERY PERSON that Trump wants to run a federal agency is not only TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED to do the job, they have ALL spoken publicly and privately about destroying the agencies Trump chose them to ru(i)n."
Very wisely, Sheriff Chronister has decided to withdraw from Trump's nomination to be our next Administrator. The Sheriff has had a good record. It would have been senseless for any true lawman to accept a job offered by a convicted sexual abuser and convicted felon who has pardoned convicted drug dealers for political gain.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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03 Dec 2024, 13:42 PST, 3rd Edition
"Go South, Young Soldier...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "I agree. Any 'war' should be fought right here on American soil and not in Mexico or Venezuela. Instead of launching a war against illegal immigrants, a ground war should be declared on any person caught selling or distributing illegal drugs."
Using our military to invade Mexico for the purpose of destroying its drug cartels will have a greater damaging effect today than it had during our Great Depression when we violently deported over 2 million Mexicans in order to give their jobs to poor whites who's jobs and homes were destroyed by the disastrous 'dust belt' caused by greedy and incompetent farmers hoping that a rarity of crops would increase profits and make them millionaires. (It was this 1930 operation that led Eisenhower, twenty years later, to attempt the same Mexican migrant expulsion. Eisenhower's family in Kansas was ruined by the dust belt. White's, such as Eisenhower's relatives, who were forced off their unproductive lands in the U.S. Midwest and South had to move across the country to find agriculture jobs. Whites supported replacing Mexicans who had been doing agro jobs for decades.)
With the exception of a tiny air squadron during WW2 that saw infinitesimal enemy contact, the national security effect of pi**ing off the Mexican Government during the Great Depression with our 1930's 'immigrant expulsion' resulted in Mexico not allowing a single Mexican military unit to be assist us and our Allies during WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and our operations in Afghanistan or Iraq. Because of its 1930's anger, Mexico decided to not be an 'ally'. Conversely, it was the 'immigrant expulsion' of Mexicans during our Great Depression that led to almost 100 years of the Mexican govt throwing a monkey wrench into all of our hemispheric security needs, such as flirting with Chinese commercial expansion and secretly supporting Chinese and Mexican drug cartels to twist a poisoned shiv into our backs.
We Americans must understand that Mexico is like a female who holds grudges eternally, even when they know it's not in their best interest. At the same time, we Americans have foolishly thought that beating Mexicans upside the head would get them to conform to our levels of pragmatic reasoning. That hasn't worked and won't work because the Mexicans are too stupid -- from eons of wacky religious customs and consumption of hallucinogens and marijuana -- to have any sense knocked into their heads. They were ruled for generations upon generations by psycho, feather-wearing Emperors who believed in human sacrifice. They were then conquered by Spain which tried the 'Iron Fist' approach that never worked during Spain's long ownership of the entire sub-continent. (Fighting with thick-skulled Mexicans had weakened Spain's military so badly Spain was forced to lose most of its American holdings to the U.S. govt in the late 1800's.)
Sadly, because our next President is a die-hard racist -- who, like his South African, apartheid-approving boss at Space X -- deems anyone who isn't white to be biologically inferior, he will not do what two previous Presidents during our two previous invasions of Mexico were strongly advised to do... incorporate all or parts of Mexico into the U.S. with the approval of the Mexican govt which understands money and greed. Mexico will never understand military superiority or power, which is why Germany, during WW1 and WW2 tried to get the U.S. military bogged in Mexico to prevent us from sending troops to Europe.
Donald Trump should offer Statehood to brown and black Mexico, just as he has offered Statehood to white Canada.
(D/W Redacted), (CIA)
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03 Dec 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
My pal Mike (27) communicated today about a WH vetting report of the DEA-to-be Administrator that appears, on the face of it, a strategy to ensure Mr. Chronister's appointment after the Senate confirmation process.
It goes without saying that the vet group in the WH is more of a hack job rather than an honest effort to determine if a candidate should be nominated by the President. But Mr. Trump's desire to have Chronister accepted by enough Dem's to put him in DEA HQ appears to be based on Mr. Trump wanting the DEA to be 100% involved in the removal of illegal aliens... which explains why Mr. Trump, after re-stating during his campaign that his reason for immigrant removal was all about street crimes and assaults on American citizens suddenly became, after the election, all about getting rid of fentanyl.
Mr. Chronister's report had enough data in his favor than against it. The Report said that:
Signed (D/W redacted)
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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Tue, 12/03/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 12/02/2024, 12:13 PST, 3rd Edition
"We shift to the White again...", con't:
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The last time a President took hundreds of FBI agents off criminal and terrorism investigation and diverted them to investigating and harassing his critics, the media and Democrats, 911 happened.
DEA Watch has been around longer than many of our agents. Everyone should access the DEA Watch archives to read what went on, in real time, before, during and after 911. When you read the archives you will see that Trump is making history repeat itself... for the worst.
(D/W Redacted), SAC (Retired)
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Mon, 12/02/2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"We shift to the White again...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Chronister will not, we hope, do as our last S&L Administrator did... (which is) try to get all HQ personnel to wear a uniform of his personal creation."
I think we should not paint all S&L's with the same brush. Chronister and Constantine may be two different men. Constantine was a man that many in the NYSP thought was a young-boy-loving closet homosexual... and Constantine's lead cheerleader was a gay puppy dog totally devoted to Constantine. Unless the press digs up some sordid dirt on Chronister we need to give him a chance to prove if he is willing to transform into a federal agent in a suit or remain body-and-mind inside an S&L uniform.
It will be Chronister's association with Trump that we should look closely at because one thing we all know for sure is that EVERY PERSON that Trump wants to run a federal agency is not only TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED to do the job, they have ALL spoken publicly and privately about destroying the agencies Trump chose them to ru(i)n.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Mon, 12/02/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sun, 12/01/2024, 19:48 PST, 3rd Edition
"Biden has no moral integrity...":
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After repeatedly telling the American people that he would not pardon his drug-using, mental-midget son, Biden did just that. Now no Democratic can honestly claim that Biden had/has more moral integrity that Donald Trump who is a pathological liar.
Biden should have done with most of his Cabinet advised... which was to resign the Presidency and let Harris, as the new President, issue a pardon to Hunter Biden.
Biden pardoning his son only confirms that Democrats were right to fire him. And, it appears, our first President, Washington, remains as our only President who refused to tell a lie.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Sun, 12/01/2024, 11:26 PST, 2nd Edition
"We shift to the White again...", con't:
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First question for Chronister at his confirmation hearing should be... "Trump hired you to eradicate fentanyl across the country. Did you totally eliminate fentanyl in your County?"
Just another completely unqualified nomination...
My suggestion is that Chronister wait a good while before moving his family to DC. He may find Trump's task insurmountable and cause great stress on his life and family. Everyone who joins Trump loses and loses big... because Chronister's failure to eliminate fentanyl in his county only predicts his failure to accomplish the same job nationally.
I agree with a previous writer. The only change we are going to see after Chrony takes over is an increase in cowboyism.. Promotions will be gained by kissing a lot more a** than before, and a sh*t-load of good-mouthing Trump at the water cooler. Those in this agency who don't like Trump need to keep their thoughts to themselves. A new breed of 'Hitler Youth' in DEA will rat you out to remove you as promotion competition.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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01 Dec 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Tactical Takeaway #20..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
The White Report
TACTICAL TAKEAWAY #20 From 19 Feb 2022
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Sun, 12/01/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 11/30/2024, 21:06 PST, 3rd Edition
"We shift to the White again...":
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Commanding a predominant white male department, our new Administrator will be expected to increase white staffing in our HQ and all of our offices. He will not, we hope, do as our last S&L Administrator did... try to get all HQ personnel to wear a uniform of his personal creation.
Millie's going out as a failure even though she came in with mouth moving and hands and arms flailing. Being an outsider with zero knowledge about running a federal LE agency, she accomplished nothing... it took her two years just to figure out what was going on.
Chronister is expected, as all outsiders are, to come in with mouth moving and hands and arms flailing. But because Chronister is thrilled to work for Trump who talks a mean game but remains a yellow-belly, coward draft dodger at heart, Chronister will want to show some significant stats as soon as possible.... extolling the image that 'testosterone rules!'.
Therefore we can expect to be roused into action against fentanyl users and dealers. But being white, Chronister will aim his sights on those who are the least able to mount a legal defense against their arrest. Hence, we will see an increase in arrests of people of color... which means our black and brown S/A's will have to prove to their white managers that they will produce black and brown suspects by the droves.
The last time we had an S&L white boy in charge our shootings of unarmed people of color went up. So those amongst us itching to use their pistoles will get their chance under Sheriff Chronister to take aim and fire. Chronister is a cop. Chronister is not an agent.
Chronister will have the chance to run roughshod for four years (if he lasts that long) before he is sent back to Florida. By that time our agency will be back to being 85% white, 90% male, and 100% still trying to catch up to the cartels whom Trump has repeatedly telegraphed he is coming for them.
And if I know the 'cartels' as well as we all know them, I think they will be waiting for us... with guns of their own. Which means getting a Gung-ho Administrator bred in the belief that a badge can do anything, we can expect to see a number of DEA funerals in our future...
But that is normal for Sheriff's and Police Chief's who think a few cop funerals will fire their people into greater bravado... which doesn't work here in the real DEA world...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Sat, 11/30/2024, 13:27 PST, 2nd Edition
"FBI files to be opened to Trump...":
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Word on the street is saying Kash Patel's first job as Chris Wray's replacement will be to make all FBI files available to Trump to use the against the people and competitors he doesn't like or wants to control, or to force political and private donations (blackmail) from others, or compel companies to provide free services to members of the Trump family.
And because Trump's order to his new FBI Director to relinquish every FBI over to Trump, the Supreme's will classify this order as "an official act" even though Trump's use of the file information will violate multiple laws.
Now Trump doesn't need to issue an order to shut down the FBI because after every FBI file is turned over to the convicted felon in the WH the FBI will only be able to function as a weapon for Trump. FBI will have lost all moral credibility. Spies and criminals will have a field day... and the law offices of Trump's defense attorneys will have reams of data to secure case closures, collect exorbitant fees, and learn information on witnesses to compel them to avoid testifying against criminal suspects. Law enforcement and the court system in our country will become the biggest money-making racket in American history... and the WH will be the HQ of the most damaging organized crime machine that ever existed.
(D/W Redacted), DOJ
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Sat, 11/30/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Thu, 11/28/2024, 20:41 PST, 4th Edition
"Go South, Young Soldier...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "I agree. Any 'war' should be fought right here on American soil and not in Mexico or Venezuela. Instead of launching a war against illegal immigrants, a ground war should be declared on any person caught selling or distributing illegal drugs. And those apprehended should be subject to military-style tribunal, with only post-conviction appeals being conducted in civil or criminal courts while the guilty remains incarcerated. We don't need 'concentration camps' for illegals. We need more govt-run jails for the criminally convicted."
Everyone should just chill out and go eat a burger... preferably not at McDonalds.
The so-called 'Drug War' really started in 1979 when the post-Shah Iran crazies screwed up and allowed a mob to attack the US Embassy.
The moment that happened Iran's tiny five percent of the international oil market gave the Russians and Brits -- who were at that time the largest holders of international oil stock -- the idea to make billions in auto and air gas price increases. And American panic at the pump took attention away from every other national importance... such as illegal drugs, social welfare spending, disease immunization, and so on.
Oil companies acquired millions of corporate and private investors, all clamoring for a pot of gold, which panicked American drivers gushed forth to provide.
President Carter's idiot-based military operation to free the US embassy hostages in Iran, due to cooperation from the military generals that Trump hates today, caused the election of Ronald Reagan.
Reagan was the first 'Trump'. Reagan's personal mission was to slash 'govt spending'. Reagan also was an anti-vaxxer. One of his first decisions was to totally end TB inoculations for kids since there hadn't been a TB case in the US for over ten years. Reagan was too stoopid to realize that Mexico still had a TB problem because Mexico's wealthy refused to implement the national anti-TB initiative the US had succeeded with. Within a month of Reagan's anti-vax ExecOrder terminating TB inoculations for American kids, the first TB cases appeared on US soil in ten years.
Reagan also totally eliminated Hospice funding for Americans who were permanently physically or mentally incapable of taking care of themselves. If anyone reading this is old enough to remember, all of the Hospice homes that were forced to close simply opened their back doors and pushed their invalid patients out into the alley... usually after dark. Many of the male patients were given handwritten signs stating they were a "Veteran Out Of Work". The female patients were given a bag of birth control pills. So began the Homeless crises in America.
The oil scam is part of that era's problem. Russia consolidated its oil output under state control. And the Brits chose Saudi Arabia to be the unsanctioned oil provider with Iranian oil being boycotted and Iraqi oil being prejudiced. The intent, obviously, was to increase oil profits under a singer, major supplier that enabled direct and huge profits to wealthy Brits. It only took a few days for the Americans to follow suit...
During the Bush II Administration Venezuelan oil was targeted for removal from open international sales so that the price of Saudi, Kuwait and regional oil could increase. Every Venezuelan 'Citgo' gas station in the US was forced to close... with VP Dick Cheney (and his energy company interests) being said to be the lead instigator.
Removing oil suppliers from sales increases the price of oil by countries that are allowed to operate with US, Brit and Russian blessing. Open the oil spigots in Iran and Venezuela and gas prices, along with the price of everything else, goes down almost instantly.
Donald Trump could become the greatest President in American history, beginning as its worst. But that won't happen because Trump is in imbecile motivated only by racism and rage. And all those who seek his blessing are interested only in their self profit... even though our nation is moving in the same direction as the Greeks, the Romans, and all others who allowed their personal corruption to destroy their nations.
Didn't we all learn from History lessons in school by the 7th Grade that great empires are never destroyed from forces without. Empires are destroyed by corruption within.
(D/W Redacted), (D/W Redacted)
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Thu, 11/28/2024, 17:03 PST, 3rd Edition
"Go South, Young Soldier...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "The only military remedy to reduce illegal drug use in the U.S. is to aggressively chase down each and every single individual who distributes illegal drugs and punish them in the severest possible way. The 'war' should be against the drug dealer who must be ruthlessly eliminated in order to discourage future entry by others into that employment."
I agree. Any 'war' should be fought right here on American soil and not in Mexico or Venezuela. Instead of launching a war against illegal immigrants, a ground war should be declared on any person caught selling or distributing illegal drugs. And those apprehended should be subject to military-style tribunal, with only post-conviction appeals being conducted in civil or criminal courts while the guilty remains incarcerated. We don't need 'concentration camps' for illegals. We need more govt-run jails for the criminally convicted.
A war on drugs would make directing Trump's principle effort against illegals unnecessary simply because any illegals picked up during a real war or illegal drug conveyors could be deported as a side effort, not the main effort.
But Trump would never go after the real enemy because there are too many rich people, LE and military personnel, lawyers and activists making money on illegal drugs.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 11/28/2024, 12:49 PST, 2nd Edition
"Go South, Young Soldier...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "The next U.S. war will be in Venezuela to control its oil. The public will be told lower gas prices will be the reward of their support. Mexico will be told it will never have to face tariffs if the Mexican grants govt U.S. military travel through and over Mexico, as well as its contribution of Mexican troops. The U.S. will also reward Mexico with a "vibrant anti-cartel military effort."
There are few people here in the Pentagon that have agreed, long before that moron Trump came along ten years ago, that the U.S. needed desperately to acquire Venezuelan oil... of which there is far more than in Saudi Arabia.
In the early 1950's, acquiring Venezuelan oil after WW2 was 'The Plan'. Unfortunately, the USG had to rely on the commercial oil companies to do the work, but oil companies back then, as well as now, couldn't be trusted because their greed and malice toward local residents does more harm than good.
Lt. General Joseph Swing, US Army, concluding that the U.S. should go through Mexico to get to Venezuela, concocted the "Operation Wetback Plan" in 1954 to accomplish two missions:
The first half of the plan was successful. Iran became a U.S. ally. The second half was a dismal failure because the transfer of Mexican military and LE personnel to the border from every district in Mexico created an authority vacuum into which the birth of the drug cartels was born.
What Ike and Swing didn't know or didn't factor in at the time was that Ike's SecState, J.F. Dulles, and Ike's CIA Dir., Allen Dulles, were principle partners in the United Fruit Company that had fifty years prior correctly predicted that South American and Mexico would become the 'veggie basket' of the U.S. due to greed of American farmers who would, if allowed, charge exorbitant prices for produce grown on American farms.
The enforcement 'gangs' employed by UFC and Mexican ranchers to guard and move Mexican produce eventually became bored with the little money they were paid. By the late 1950's these 'gangs' had moved enough Mexican, Colombia, etc., farmers away from growing food to growing cocaine, marijuana and heroin.
By the late 1960's, taking a mere 10 years to do so, the 'gangs' became so powerful and wealthy they could command elements of the Mexican govt, police and military... giving the U.S. the illegal drug crises the nightmare reality it is today.
Trump is a moron. His desire to provoke Mexico to (again) move most of its military and LE assets to the border to allegedly stop illegal immigration and drug activity will (again) create another vacuum of authority all over Mexico that the current drug cartels will instantly fill.
Yes, we and Japan still need Venezuelan oil to break the Saudi/OPEC price gouging hold on the Western world. And, yes, it would be helpful if we had the support of Mexico's land and air to move a military force to Venezuela. But even if we did accomplish those we still have the old American habit of taking the assets of another nation but giving them nothing in return. Our oil company managers would do as they have done everywhere else, destroy the economies and culture of their supply countries solely to enrich oil company investors who could care little about the social destruction abroad caused by their greed.
The only military remedy to reduce illegal drug use in the U.S. is to aggressively chase down each and every single individual who distributes illegal drugs and punish them in the severest possible way. The 'war' should be against the drug dealer who must be ruthlessly eliminated in order to discourage future entry by others into that employment.
As for Mexican produce and Venezuelan oil, we should do what we did best here in CONUS... make those regions U.S. states or territories via diplomacy in deals Mexico and Venezuela can't refuse.
(D/W Redacted), CIA
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Thu, 11/28/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Wed, 11/27/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 11/26/2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"Go South, Young Soldier...":
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The next U.S. war will be in Venezuela to control its oil. The public will be told lower gas prices will be the reward of their support. Mexico will be told it will never have to face tariffs if the Mexican grants govt U.S. military travel through and over Mexico, as well as its contribution of Mexican troops. The U.S. will also reward Mexico with a "vibrant anti-cartel military effort."
Donald Trump promised America "no more wars"... but he will do as is his usual pattern of re-defining things to be something else. The war in Venezuela will be defined as merely an "anti-drug enforcement mission."
And perhaps you didn't know it until the mission will be sold to the America public, but it's been Venezuela all along, and not Mexico, that has historically been responsible for the illegal drugs in the U.S. Venezuela must pay for that assault by relinquishing its oil to the U.S.
(D/W Redacted)
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Tue, 11/26/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 11/25/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sun, 11/24/2024, 20:19 PST, 4th Edition
"IN THE NEWS: Trump's return has some in US Justice Department heading for the exits...":
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Someone wrote: "There is a movement in the works to persuade Joe Biden to quickly, in the very near future, resign his presidency so that Kamala Harris can ascend to become the 47th President. This movement hopes that in the days between Biden resigns and Trump takes over on Jan 20th, Harris can implement many sweeping changes such as inserting two lines in the tax code and one line on the 1040 Form that make tips non-taxable. Harris can also establish that Price-Gouging Commission she promised to bring down grocery prices... it was price-gouging that got her candidacy killed by food-loving females."
Joe Biden could give this country its first female President, if for only a short time, by resigning so that his VP, Harris, would instantly become the 47th President. But Joe Biden would never do that for women... he didn't do it in 2015 when he had already decided not to run for President when Obama left office... and at the same time Biden knew that Hilary Clinton had decided... in fact announced... that she would seek the Presidency.
If Joe had resigned in 2015 Obama would have made Hilary his VP, if only for a few months... which would have given Hilary a leg-up in the election the following year...
Never expect Democrat politicians or voters to do the right thing or make the smart play. Idiot Democrats are just too slow, too lazy and too stupid... which is why Harris wasn't elected this month...
(D/W Redacted), Senator
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Sun, 11/24/2024, 14:02 PST, 3rd Edition
"IN THE NEWS: Trump's return has some in US Justice Department heading for the exits...":
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Someone wrote: "There is a movement in the works to persuade Joe Biden to quickly, in the very near future, resign his presidency so that Kamala Harris can ascend to become the 47th President. This movement hopes that in the days between Biden resigns and Trump takes over on Jan 20th, Harris can implement many sweeping changes such as inserting two lines in the tax code and one line on the 1040 Form that make tips non-taxable. Harris can also establish that Price-Gouging Commission she promised to bring down grocery prices... it was price-gouging that got her candidacy killed by food-loving females."
Instead of keeping her butt inside the WH to get these two projects started so that Trump can't take credit for them, Harris is vacationing in Hawaii to work on her tan.
No wonder she lost... Time waits for no man.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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24 Nov 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Street Fighter #12..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
Street Fighter, Part Twelve, 01 Jul 2018
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Sun, 11/24/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 23 Nov 2024, 18:16 PST, 2nd Edition
"DEA will survive...":
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Someone wrote: "Word on the street... Donald Trump attended a meeting where a Proj 2025 nut suggested DEA be abolished and a new agency be formed that stripped the 'new DEA' of all of its doctor and regulatory chores... handing them over to HHS and FDA. The 'new DEA' would only investigate criminal drug cases."
This is where far too many people have it all wrong, and where the commercial news media isn't addressing the real and true purpose of Trump's Project 2025 plan...
The ultimate goal of Donald Trump, Elon Musk, corporate billionaires and rich Republicans is not abolish federal agencies... they merely want to convert federal agencies into privately-run corporations in which they will sit on Boards and rake in massive incomes by having a percentage of every payment made by every American citizen to the federal govt go into their pockets.
The federal govt controls more money and spending than every corporation in America combined. More than that, the federal govt has something that private corporations do not have... the legal capacity to compel spending (i.e., collecting money).
There are billions to be made by companies running Social Security, Medicare, everything the federal govt manages. And if the DEA were turned into a privately-run entity the corporate owners of the DEA would get a cut of every fine, asset forfeiture dollar, and fee that DEA took in.
Trump, Musk, Leonard Leo, etc. will also 'own' the votes of the millions of Americans who use Social Security, Medicare or have to pay a fee or fine to DEA because all the corporate executives have to do to ensure they get your vote is simply deny a service or inflict an expense on Americans who don't vote for them.
Trump and Musk don't want to destroy America, they want to own America... and the U.S. Constitution, being a public document designed for the protection and benefit of the American citizen stands in the way of Trump and billionaires taking possession of America.
And the 'new' Constitution that Trump, Musk, Leo, etc., want to write after the current Constitution has been abolished by them will make them perpetually and permanently immune from prosecution for any crime or injustice they commit... they won't be 'above the law' because the law simply will not apply to them...
(D/W Redacted), Clerk, SCOTUS
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Sat, 11/23/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Fri, 11/22/2024, 14:21 PST, 4th Edition
"Give the boys what they want...", con't:
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I believe Milgram did about as good a job that she was capable of. And I believe that if she was career DEA she would have done a far, far better job than our previous female Administrators.
Aside from her usual female vanity and arrogance when working closing to assertive males, Milgram's biggest 'weak area' was her lack of 'corporate knowledge' of how our agency worked. And like all Administrators, including those who were career DEA, she was beset on Day One by a**holes who wanted to manipulate her.
Milgram also failed, I think, because she made the mistake of using the fentanyl crises as a way to increase Congressional funding. What she should have done was put her face on TV as much as possible to criticize the countries South of our border and China for fentanyl. She also never came up with a publicity-garnering major enforcement program to deal with fentanyl in the way the crack cocaine problem was addressed.
But not much could have been expected from someone who, as a serving State AG, was so stupid to get busted for DUI... a crime one would expect from an idiot commoner and not a trained and practicing LE executive. Milgram tried hard but she started off lacking the necessary grey-matter fundamentals... and an arrogant refusal to seek consult with people outside her bubble...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Fri, 11/22/2024, 13:34 PST, 3rd Edition
"Give the boys what they want...", con't:
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The weak-kneed, corporation-sucking Biden Admin chose to put victimizing air passengers over fairness and justice. And because Garland swept this problem under the rug Milgram chose to ignore the issue.
But airline and airport management couldn't take it any longer, especially when their bottom-line was being under-cut with passenger lawsuits.
But another writer today is totally correct. This crap should never have gotten as bad as it became. Milgram should have taken the initiative and stopped it when the first grandmother with zero criminal history proved that she was carrying cash to pay for her husband's funeral. But Milgram figured that if Biden and Garland were going to continue being old white men with lint in their ears, wax in their testicles and sawdust in their brains, she would also ignore the problem.
The bigger problem is whether this matter we be an 'iceberg tip' thing that will stop other programs from being executed... at least until Jan 20th when the new regime takes over...
But as bad as the Trump Team at DOJ may become, it will be a relief to get rid of Garland and Milgram.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Fri, 11/22/2024, 12:48 PST, 2nd Edition
"Give the boys what they want...":
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So now the racist cowboys got us kicked out of airports. Not only is it humiliating, it now allows drug dealers a pass. But DOJ is 100% right on its decision. We were given a chance to be enforcement but we took it way too far. We got greedy because we allowed morons and idiots to run wild.. and it's a Milgram's fault... not DOJ's fault! Milgram could have fixed this simply by using a measure of common sense, which she lacks. Any passenger who could reasonably prove why they were traveling with a load of cash should have been let go after we collected their ID's for future reference.
Grabbing cash from passengers started under Leonhart and her handcuff-happy, S&L husband. And dumb-a** Milgram let it continue because the racist, renegade cowboys persuaded our girl Administrators that not having a penis made them weak and shy... and the only way to they could prove they were bad-a**es was to let the cowboys have their way using our badge to rip-off innocent passengers at airports.
DEA girls are easy... they are also pu**y-putty in the hands of our DEA cowboys.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 11/21/2024, 21:04 PST, 4th Edition
"IN THE NEWS: Trump's return has some in US Justice Department heading for the exits...":
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Someone wrote: "There is a movement in the works to persuade Joe Biden to quickly, in the very near future, resign his presidency so that Kamala Harris can ascend to become the 47th President. This movement hopes that in the days between Biden resigns and Trump takes over on Jan 20th, Harris can implement many sweeping changes such as inserting two lines in the tax code and one line on the 1040 Form that make tips non-taxable. Harris can also establish that Price-Gouging Commission she promised to bring down grocery prices... it was price-gouging that got her candidacy killed by food-loving females."
The above is why Harris lost the election due to female voters worried about the expensive cost to feed their stomachs.
Harris, like virtually all females, never figure out that women will vote for men because men actually accomplish things, whereas females only talk about accomplishing things.
Instead of promising to create a Grocery Cost Commission as President, Harris should have compelled Biden to enact it during her campaign. And instead of promising to make tips tax-free, Harris should have written the new tax code herself (which could have consisted of a mere two paragraphs, tops!) and compelled Biden to push it to Congress for a vote BEFORE the election. (There would have been very few in either house of Congress to vote against these two proposals for fear they would lose votes in their own 'down ballot' elections.)
Harris and every other female running for President opposite a male will FAIL until and unless that female has PROVEN that she can do things that the American people need and want at the moment!
As VP, Harris was in a far better position that Hilary Clinton to get a promise done before her election. Harris totally 'screwed the pooch'. Her desire now to take the Governorship away from California's current Governor (should he decide to keep his job) would be good for Harris because she will fail in that attempt and only prove that she should NOT think about running for President again in 2028. Harris, like Clinton, lost their chance. And unlike men who can make a comeback, women who lose cannot come back.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Thu, 21 Nov 2024, 19:53 PST, 3rd Edition
"DEA will survive...", con't:
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Regardless of what form we take after Trump takes over the whole shebang, the thing every one of us has to remember is that the 'T' in 'Trump' is for Temporary. He will only be around for maximum of four years, but quite probably for significantly less time.
And because Trump is a liar, grifter, con man and crook, none of us should make the mistake of thinking that under Trump we can get away with stealing money or committing other crimes. Just because Trump has temporarily gotten away with s**t does not mean it's okay for us to try it. Our country still needs to be freed from dangerous drugs... which means our country needs us to be high performers... not the low-life scumbags in the Trump family and circle.
More likely than not, we will get an Administrator who isn't qualified to clean our badge, much less wear it. But we've had incompetent and useless Administrators ever since the first illegal drug-using President (Clinton) took over. And our current Administrator has a drunk-driving/DUI record... under President's before Clinton she would never have gotten inside our front door.
For the American democratic experiment to succeed and continue spreading around the globe, everyone who is honorable and honest must perform at their best under Trump and not let his insanity or criminality trickle down into our DEA culture. Yes, we have racists, a**holes, thieves and douchbags on our payroll but they are a minority and they will always be here like roaches and rats. What we don't want is for that minority to ever become a majority. Remember that Trump is temporary and democracy allows for scumbags to assume power... but not for long because scumbags ruin and destroy... and we can't have any of that!
(D/W Redacted), (D/W Redacted)
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Thu, 21 Nov 2024, 10:21 PST, 2nd Edition
"DEA will survive...":
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Word on the street... Donald Trump attended a meeting where a Proj 2025 nut suggested DEA be abolished and a new agency be formed that stripped the 'new DEA' of all of its doctor and regulatory chores... handing them over to HHS and FDA. The 'new DEA' would only investigate criminal drug cases.
Several other members at the meeting said 'No!' but Trump said he will defer this matter for at least six months to a year so that he would 'know better later' if the DEA as it is today will be more helpful to the deportation program than if DEA was re-formatted on "Day One"... i.e, within weeks after he moved back into the WH.
There was a brief discussion on the pick to replace Milgram. At no time did anyone suggest that Milgram stay on the job.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 11/20/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 11/19/2024, 11:46 PST, 2nd Edition
"Biden NEEDS to ACT on Trump Prosecutions!...", con't:
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The two Presidential Pardon proposals published by someone on The Watch yesterday are a stroke of genius!
I agree that the very BEST thing Biden can do will be to issue pardons to everyone involved in any way with a federal Trump investigation and prosecution. And I agree that Biden should take our military people off the hook by issuing a pardon that covers every officer and enlisted person who was involved in any way with the Afghanistan withdrawal and the Ukraine defense.
These pardons are not only needed but justified because Trump and his crazies have sworn to inflict serious economic (legal costs) on as many Biden Admin people as possible... and if also possible, to jail them because they carried out policies that Trump didn't like.
However, knowing Joe Biden and how horrifically slow his slow brain works, Biden will either wait until the last day of his Administration to issue those pardons... i.e., if he issues them at all.
Biden is as much a threat to America's future as Trump... even moreso because Trump is insane, but Biden knows better.
In the face of Trump's threats, the Democrat leadership needs to press Biden to issue these two pardons (and more pardons if necessary to protect Americans who performed their lawful duties). I agree that Biden should also resign at the earliest possible date in order to allow Harris to serve briefly as President.
All of these Trump threats could easily evaporate with a signature from Biden, but as we all know, Biden is bloodthirsty and likes to torment people. His habit is to delay executive action until countless innocent people have been injured or killed... or until his brothers and son can secretly reap a profit from his inaction.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Tue, 11/19/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 11/18/2024, 10:05 PST, 3rd Edition
"Biden NEEDS to ACT on Trump Prosecutions!...":
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In view of the repetitive threats by the Presidential Candidate, and now President-Elect to seek destructive and malicious revenge on all persons associated with his federal criminal indictments and prosecutions, President Joseph Biden needs to ACT now on the following document and not delay, as is his usual pattern until great damage has been done to a great many innocent parties...
President of the United States of America
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and caused the seal of the Department of Justice to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington in the District of Columbia this day of November in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty Four.
(D/W Redacted), (D/W Redacted)... Please see attached proposed pardon for Afghanistan sent by secondary system...
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Mon, 11/18/2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"Biden NEEDS to ACT on Afghanistan Withdrawal!...":
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In view of the repetitive threats by the Presidential Candidate, and now President-Elect to seek destructive and malicious revenge on all persons associated with his federal criminal indictments and prosecutions, President Joseph Biden needs to ACT now on the following document and not delay, as is his usual pattern until great damage has been done to a great many innocent parties...
President of the United States of America
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and caused the seal of the Department of Justice to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington in the District of Columbia this day of November in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty Four.
(D/W Redacted), (D/W Redacted)...
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Mon, 11/18/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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17 Nov 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Special Report #16..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
Snowcap And Frank's Demise
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Sun, 11/17/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 11/16/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Fri, 11/15/2024, 14:26 PST, 2nd Edition
"I prefer the water cooler...":
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In my (D/W redacted) decades in this agency I have found that the intell I obtain while over-hearing or chatting near the 'water cooler' to be far more informative than the NSA briefing excerpts I am privileged to learn about.
For example I can, I believe, accurately estimate that 60-80 percent of the white males in this agency look forward to Jan 21st... while only 30-35 percent of white females share the frat-boy enthusiasm of their racial brothers.
Blacks in our agency are largely fearful of 01/21 because they know, by tradition, that they will be fired before their white co-workers. Hispanics cannot be evaluated because most of them classify themselves as white, although the federal govt stopped doing so in 1991 under Reagan's order solely because his fellow actor-friend John Wayne (who only married Mexican women... three of them) attempted to pressure Reagan to retain Hispanics as Caucasians under WW2 guidelines when it was convenient to classify everyone who wasn't segregatably black or Asian as Caucasian.
The most active chatter over the last 48 hours has been about the loonies selected by Trump to head-up our country's most vital depts. Even those who voted for Trump are highly agitated that Trump would nominate a child-rapist suspect to be Attorney General... despite the fact that they voted for Trump who, himself, is a convicted sexual abuser ordered to pay his victim $80 million dollars.
Rather than being agitated it might relieve the minds of my thought-incapable co-workers to figure out that the way to prevent (or later remove) Trump's loonies from leading the depts he puts them in simply by eliminating Trump.
With Trump gone his successor, President Vance, will most certainly want to replace Trump's looney people with loonies of his own... which, reasonably, won't be as looney as Trump's.
And, with great confidence in my personal judgment, I think I can correctly predict that on the very the day a child of one of Trump's Secret Service agents becomes an invalid for life or dies because Trump's new anti-vax Health Czar -- the clinically insane RFK Jr -- orders maternity hospitals to stop giving newborns their 'baby shots', Trump's personal security will drop to a level an assassin armed with a pea shooter will have his (or her) way... And should a family member of a Representative succumb to a similar RFK Jr (or any other looney Cabinet member's idiotic policy change) a fuller House may be amenable to an Impeachment vote... likewise in the Senate toward Conviction...
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Thu, 11/14/2024, 14:07 PST, 3rd Edition
"Reinhardt Heydrich resurrected...", con't:
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Excellent point made by the learned 2nd Ed writer today. But none of that content would matter in a very short time if Trump's selection of the clinically insane RFK Jr, who has NO medical training, in charge of the American public's health... simply because so many American kids will be too unable to serve in our military due to deep and long-term chronic health issues that we wouldn't have a military for Trump's planned inexperienced new General Corps to command. In short, without healthy soldiers our country would not be able to defend itself.
(D/W Redacted), VFW (and former DEA S/A)
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Thu, 11/14/2024, 11:26 PST, 2nd Edition
"Reinhardt Heydrich resurrected...":
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By far the smartest though most arrogant man in Hitler's cabinet was Reinhardt Heydrich who masterminded every social and military operation intended to persuade the German public to accept Adolph Hitler as their sole and supreme leader.
But Heydrich's greatest plan, which persuaded Hitler to secretly select Heydrich to replace him as Fuhrer, was convincing Josef Stalin to kill or fire seventy-percent of his military generals.
It is well known that it takes approximately thirty years to produce a two-star general, with the most competent reaching four-star rank in that time. So when Stalin abruptly ordered the murders or imprisonments of the majority of men who knew the most about fighting war and managing the military machinery to do so, he completely destroyed his military when those generals were replaced with men of less rank, and far less experience, and even less knowledge about the when, where and how to manage a war force.
And it was precisely at that time, when Stalin had decapitated his entire military, that Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of Russia... which was Heydrich's plan by ensuring that Stalin did not have competent generals to effectively defend his country.
Every student of WW2 history knows that Stalin's Russia was overrun deep into its interior by Nazi forces. That is history.
But today, here in the U.S., American citizens are being told by the man they voted for, that America needs to get rid of all of its highly trained and experienced war fighters to replace these generals with lower-ranking, far less experienced and knowledgeable people who will be obedient to Trump's whims even though they will be incapable, for decades, of effectively defending the US.
Trump's SefDef selection, a FOX News pundit with brief military experience and zero knowledge of managing a single Battalion, let alone all five US military branches... and their budget billions, is enthusiastic to "fire all the generals".
And when that happens we can be assured that the defense of the United States will be as weak and vulnerable as Russia in 1940 when majors and colonels are instantly turned into two-, three-, and four-star generals with no competency of high-level military management.
(D/W Redacted), DoD
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Thu, 11/14/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Wed, 11/13/2024, 14:02 PST, 3rd Edition
"No title...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Today Trump nominated Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General. That means we can fully expect Trump to nominate Alice Johnson, or someone just like her, to be our boss here in DEA."
Another Trump selection is the radical, racist, female-hating Pete Hegseth for Sec Def. But not surprising that MSNBC military consultant -- and former ONDCP Dir -- General Barry MacCaffrey -- who is a fellow Musk-Twitter free-speech-for-me believer, who came out all-but endorsing Hegseth only because Hegseth served in a combat zone.
But recall that no president has offered MacCaffrey a job since he was at ONDCP. And it was MacCaffrey who endlessly endorsed every General officer on Bush Jr's choice-list to lead the war in Iraq... all of those choices were disastrous failures.
Bush also never gave MacCaffrey a job even those MacCaffrey was his leading, former military cheerleader.
No doubt that even though MacCaffrey rooted for Hegseth to be SecDef but boo'ed Trump as CINC, MacCaffrey is obviously hoping for a job offer from Hegseth who, as a FOX news Trumper, will instantly hear about MacCaffrey's endorsement.
And MacCaffrey may need a DOD job, or recall to serve in the military, because MSNBC might fire him.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 11/13/2024, 12:41 PST, 2nd Edition
"No title...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "It's bad enough that the American public chose to elect a man known for his affection for Communist dictators, and who will, solely for a compliment, give up the entire farm to them... Yes, it is hopeful that Trump, for one reason or another, will not last long in the WH. His last Cabinet contemplated Article 25'ing him."
The big problem now is that there won't be enough sane people in Trump's new Cabinet choices who will Article 25 him out of office.
Today Trump nominated Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General. That means we can fully expect Trump to nominate Alice Johnson, or someone just like her, to be our boss here in DEA.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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Wed, 11/13/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 11/12/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Mon, 11/12/2024, 23:12 PST, 2nd Edition
"No title...":
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Dear (D/W redacted),
Many things, as you know, have changed since your day. Presidents have a way of changing things. But never before in the history of this agency since its creation has the change that's coming appeared so disastrous.
It's bad enough that the American public chose to elect a man known for his affection for Communist dictators, and who will, solely for a compliment, give up the entire farm to them.
But it's is even worse that this new president would select a scumbag like Kash Patel, who has zero intel creds, to run this agency. Patel's job will not be to be an intell chief. Patel's job will be Trump's intell deliverer to Putin... just as Trump's FBI pick will not be a criminal investigator, but a rat fink to inform Trump when one of this agency directors is plotting against Trump.
Yes, it is hopeful that Trump, for one reason or another, will not last long in the WH. His last Cabinet contemplated Article 25'ing him. And it is fortunate that some of Trump's new cabinet selectees truly hated Trump before their wives pushed them into supporting Trump to keep their husband's political salaries coming in. There is only some optimism that when JD Vance assumes the Presidency in the nearest possible future after 01/20/2025, Vance will replace Trump's stooges with a whole new team that will be slightly better.
The problem is, though, how long will our agents remain if Trump lasts even six months...
No one is going to take the usual risks with Trump, knowing that he will be handing over reams of intel to Putin and Orban. But when the first American agent dies due to Trump's incompetency -- a death Trump will try to keep secret from the American people -- but everyone in this agency will know about it, that death will be the moment when all things will change.
Already we are being frozen out of briefings in (D/W redacted). Those countries, that may be at war with Russia one day, certainly don't want Putin receiving classified info about our Allies military capabilities from Trump that could kill tens of thousands of their citizens.
A lot of people are still here now only because they don't have immediate jobs to move to, or they are crossing their fingers that Trump is out of the picture soon.
But if the American public knew what was going on in this agency, and in our military, and in FBI because they elected Trump, they would cry out loud for someone to build a time machine that would take them back to Nov 4th so that they could vote differently.
The people who voted for Trump don't yet have a clue what damage they did to our country, and the world.
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Mon, 11/11/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sun, 11/10/2024, 11:09 PST, 3rd Edition
"IN THE NEWS: Trump's return has some in US Justice Department heading for the exits...":
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The news is reporting that the yellow-belly cowards in this agency are "jumping ship" because they are afraid of being fired by Trump and having to write that forced termination on their resume.
It just goes to prove how the leading yellow-belly, Merritt Garland, trickled-down cowardice. His fear of charging Trump with his many federal crimes caused for reprehensibly late prosecutions that led to Trump using the courts to stall convictions. Well, let it be known now that Garland's fear of losing Republican votes in his next Supreme Court tryout won't be happening. Merritt Garland will NEVER sit on the Supreme Court!
But something new is happening that is being heralded under the banner of: "Joe, It's Time To Make Another Sacrifice!"
There is a movement in the works to persuade Joe Biden to quickly, in the very near future, resign his presidency so that Kamala Harris can ascend to become the 47th President.
This movement hopes that in the days between Biden resigns and Trump takes over on Jan 20th, Harris can implement many sweeping changes such as inserting two lines in the tax code and one line on the 1040 Form that make tips non-taxable. Harris can also establish that Price-Gouging Commission she promised to bring down grocery prices... it was price-gouging that got her candidacy killed by food-loving females.
Those are only two public-minded things Harris can do. But if she got that yellow-belly coward in the Senate (Schumer) to suspend the filibuster so that a simple Senate majority vote can expeditiously pass new laws, she could pass a law that made DOJ and its subordinate agencies such as DEA, immune from future shutdown by a President... for example, Harris can write into the DOJ Preservation Act that agencies such as DEA can never be shut down until the illegal drug problem in the U.S. is eliminated.
Harris can also sign a bullet-proof Executive Order making the most-used and safe abortion drug legal in all 50 states.
There is no limit to the positive things that Harris can do before Jan 20th, depending on when Biden resigns... i.e., if he will do so.
One incentive for Biden to resign, and resign quickly is that Harris can pardon Biden's idiot son, freeing Hunter from federal prosecution. Biden has promised not to pardon Hunter. But President Harris never made that promise.
The millions of American's shattered by Harris' loss, and the millions of American women who were "betrayed" by the women who made Trump's election a success, can achieve at least one victory in making a woman the first female President of the United States.
But that is up to Joe Biden... and who in Hell knows what that slow jerk, moron will do. We can, however, be somewhat sure that Biden will not decide in the best interest of the country. Biden always decides in the interest of what money his son and two brothers can make from his decisions...
(D/W Redacted), Dept of Justice
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10 Nov 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Tactical Takeaway #19..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
The White Report
TACTICAL TAKEAWAY #19 From 30 Jan 2022
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Sun, 11/10/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Sat, 11/09/2024, 10:21 PST, 2nd Edition
"The new FBI...":
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The old FBI had one mission... pursue criminals when it felt like it. But word on the street says that the new FBI will have three missions: All other FBI activities will be approved by the Attorney General but will not assert any priority over the above two prioritized missions. Signed,
(D/W Redacted), DOJ
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Tue, 11/05/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 11/05/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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06 Nov 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"Open Letter to the Women of DEA (and to the women of America)...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "It will be the women of America who will decide on Nov 5th if a competent, intelligent, crime-fighting, no-nonsense woman will lead America -- and the world --, or decide if a convicted felon, convicted sexual abuser, bully, female-trashing, white supremacist will yet again defeat another woman for the Presidency of the United States.">
In large part, women voted to improve their abortion rights in most State initiatives, but overwhelmingly, women chose to vote for a man, however flawed, than vote for a woman. Never trust a female.
But if the Democrats win the House they can, through the budget, limit Trump's aggressiveness and danger. Which means hat if they fail to control the House this election, they have two years until the Midterms to gain the House, and perhaps win a majority of one or two votes in the Senate.
Lastly, it appears Slow Joe and Jill are having the last crow-laugh. Prediction: Joe will admit to an interviewer in the near future that he believes it was his being dumped by Demo leaders that caused Trump's victory. Joe did nothing to help Harris... such as immediately get the House to amend the Tax Law that made tips non-taxable. That move would have taken wind out of one of Trump's sails. Another thing Slow Joe could have done was immediately use US forces to land relief supplies to Gazans... because Israeli forces would not have fired on American relief troops. That move would have helped Harris win over Arab-Americans who stayed home on Election Day.
Now, with Trump in power the Ukrainians are in deep trouble. Putin has been emboldened to the point that Victor Orban may send some of his military to fight alongside North Korean troops assisting Putin crush Ukraine. And it would not be surprising if the Cubans did so too. No matter how much aid Biden throws into Ukraine before Inauguration day, Ukraine now has weeks, not months, of life remaining... and all of that US equipment, as in Afghanistan, will be recovered by the enemy for their use. Like the President of South Vietnam in 1974, Zelenskyy will probably opt to live in France rather than here in the US after he flees Ukraine...
(D/W Redacted), DeptDef
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Tue, 11/05/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 11/05/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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Tue, 11/05/2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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04 Nov 2024, 22:49 PST, 2nd Edition
"Open Letter to the Women of DEA (and to the women of America)...":
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Since the dawn of time (Adam and Eve era) men and women have battled each other for supremacy. Eons after Adam and Eve fought for the role of boss, Sigmund Freud succinctly labeled the eternal war, "contesting for the hierarchy".
There has never been a union of the two opposite sexes that didn't involve the endless struggle by the female in the pair to be in control... but on Nov 5th 2024, women will be given that chance.
It will be the women of America who will decide on Nov 5th if a competent, intelligent, crime-fighting, no-nonsense woman will lead America -- and the world --, or decide if a convicted felon, convicted sexual abuser, bully, female-trashing, white supremacist will yet again defeat another woman for the Presidency of the United States.
Hillary Clinton had one, major flaw that Kamala Harris does not. Hillary had Bill Clinton whom female voters despised for cheating on his wife. But those same female voters, who learned that Trump not only cheated on all three of his wives but also raped and molested countless others, will have to decide if Clinton's sin was so much more worse than Trump's.
The women of America will be deciding again for the second time about male arrogance... but the men of America will be facing up to their first real shot at voting for not only a woman, but also a woman who is not white.
But in our American history it has always been non-whites who pioneered many of our nation's greatest events. We all know now that it was an all-black US Army unit that made it to the top of San Juan Hill before Teddy Roosevelt. And for men who didn't pay attention to black achievements in our military, they may remember that it was a black women who became the first model to display her pubic hair in a national magazine (Liv Lindeland in Playboy Magazine, 1971).
If Ms. Harris is elected she will have performed another first for America's women. And just as the men (white, black and all races) of America emptied the magazine racks of the Lindeland edition of Playboy Magazine making it the most re-published magazine in American history, out-selling even Jacqueline Kennedy's full nude that appeared in Hustler Magazine, 1972, Harris' ascendancy from VP to President will provide the women of America a victory that millions of women before them never thought imaginable.
Or, the women of America may decide to repeat their betrayal of Hillary Clinton that allowed Trump to deprive women the right to decide the fate of their own bodies...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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04 Nov 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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01 Nov 2024, 18:01 PST, 3rd Edition
"We employ drug addicts...":
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Anyone who says the DEA would never employ a drug addict is a liar. We have employed drug addicts for decades.
These drug addicts are cigarette smokers. They are addicted to a drug stimulant called nicotine. Nicotine addicts can no better kick their nicotine addiction any better than cocaine, heroin and marijuana addicts can kick their self-destructive, physically impairing habits. And if nicotine addicts are deprived of sucking nicotine out of cigarettes their behavior, like that of other drug addicts, becomes negative and harms everyone around them until they suck more nicotine into their blood stream.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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01 Nov 2024, 10:53 PST, 2nd Edition
"1450 Salem MA, back to 'sink or swim'...":
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In 1450 Salem MA and other newly-settled regions in early America, hatred for females seeking equality with males was virulently opposed by male society... and even stronger opposed by all of the churches.
The leading argument at that time was: "If a female contested the authoritarian rule of her husband, or any male, she must be considered a witch who's body is in the employ of Satan."
The favored 'test' for witchcraft in a female was to toss the female into a pool of deep water. The senior religious male, usually designated the 'Grand Inquisitor', would then decree that if the female sank, she was not a witch. But if she floated, then Satan's preventing her from drowning proved that she was a witch. Not surprising, because the Church ignored God's dictum following the Nephalim's Great Flood episode that banned fallen angels, including God's 'first born angel', Satan, from directly entering the human body anymore, all of the females tossed into a river or pond quickly sank and died.
But despite the fact that these dead drownees were proven not to be witches by their deaths, the practice of 'sink or swim' testing for witchcraft continued for many years.
Today Donald Trump has, through banning abortions in the severest way, resurrected the 'sink or swim' test. Today, if a woman, bleeding from a failed pregnancy, goes to an emergency room, a Trump variation of the 'sink or swim' test dictates that if a woman dies from medical treatment being refused then she validly needed emergency care... but if she survives her miscarriage with no treatment administered then she simply faked her condition in order to obtain an abortion.
Now there is word on the street that the enforcement section of our agency, should Trump be re-elected next week, also perform investigations and arrests of women in emergency rooms seeking an abortion. Hurrah for our agents who can then wear two titles... Special Agent and Grand Inquisitor.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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31 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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30 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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28 Oct 16:31 2024, 00:12 PST, 1st Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
Back on 31 May I sent you folks notice that the Republican candidate for President and his campaign staff had secretly cooked up a major plan. I stated at that time further info would have to wait until "news reports follow."
Today the commercial news media is restrictively reporting only that a plan exists and that it involves the election and the Speaker of the House (Michael Johnson).
I can now report that the plan calls for multiple legal challenges to Electoral College votes should Ms. Harris win the election. Millions of dollars are daily being allocated by the plotters for legal expenses to pursue stifling the election decision long enough (hopefully for several months, not hours or days) for the Speaker of the House to (temporarily) assume the Presidency until a decision has been jointly reached by both houses of Congress.
Johnson's first act as President will be to sign no fewer than 732 (preliminary estimate) President Pardons, with Donald J. Trump to be the first pardon signed by Johnson.
Signed (D/W redacted)
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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27 Oct 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Street Fighter #11..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
Street Fighter, Part Eleven, 02 Jan 2018
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25 Oct 2024, 15:49 PST, 2nd Edition
"Report From the Tunnel...", con't:
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I completely agree with the previous author's but there is one fact that hasn't yet been mentioned... How many people currently serving in our military would actually fire upon a fellow citizen? I suspect a few will, but those will be psychotics who joined the military solely for the purpose of killing another human being. The vast majority of American military personnel did not enlist to kill. They enlisted to serve as a prevention/deterrent to killing.
But if Trump is so confident that he can simply issue a Presidential kill order now that the Supreme Court said that anything a President does as an "official act" is legal, Trump will still need to quadruple the current military pay rates and triple the VA benefits in order to encourage citizen-killers to enlist... but there still aren't enough single military-age males in our country who have no family members at home to worry about being shot by another soldier or a citizen seeking revenge for a soldier killing his family member.
Someone needs to tell Trump that never has ANY well-established democracy successfully converted to a dictatorship. Even Germany was a first-generation, new republic having jettisoned its monarchy after WW1 for Hitler to take over fifteen years later as der-permanent Fuhrer. China, Russia, etc., were all repressive Monarchies that adopted dictators to replace their former Kings.
China has only succeeded so far in maintaining a large Army paid in poverty-level currency because China has an enormous population perpetually kept in peon-state to make military service appear wealthy to impoverished kids. And Russia cannot even maintain an Army derived from its own public. Russia needs to convince other dictators to send their kids to Russia... but that is only working currently because Russia is immediately sending those foreign kids to Ukraine. If Putin were to invite North Koreans or Hungarians or Cubans to come to Russia to shoot Russian citizens, Putin would not last long.
The arrogant, self-righteous morons working on Project 2025 must think they can swiftly and easily impose their dictatorial system on the American public in a 'cake walk'. Didn't any of them hear of the Revolutionary War... or the Civil War?
(D/W Redacted), G/S
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25 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
"Report From the Tunnel...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "The purpose for expanding territory around existing military bases and erecting new bases is to provide quarters for family members of military and law enforcement personnel in a secure environment to eliminate any danger to them from elements hostile to the President's order to arrest, detain, and if necessary, kill domestic enemies attempting an armed campaign resulting from opposition to martial law and its effects."
I can see that it would be essential to build family-unit homes on and near our military bases. The following scenario makes it essential... a US soldier shoots and kills a wife or child for violating curfew. The husband and other family members of the victim will be outraged. In revenge, the husband or family member either snipers or direct-attacks the soldier who fired his rifle. If the family member can't find a way to kill the soldier, then a family member of the soldier will be killed. And if the news doesn't reveal the name of the soldier, then the husband or relative will target any soldier or a family member of any soldier.
So in order for the govt to prevent soldier's family members from being killed, all relatives of soldiers must be moved to protected military bases. Needless to say, the division of America could not be more stark.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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24 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 2nd Edition
Report From the Tunnel:
My pal Mike #4 is reporting about a DOD investigation into two former military people, one a retired Marine Colonel and the other a retired Army Lt. Colonel. Both of these people have, for the past seven months, worked on a plan titled "P-2025-M". This plan calls for the rapid return to the US of US military personnel and their equipment currently serving in foreign countries.
The plan's opening page states that "all additional military personnel on American soil will be needed to ensure the effective discharge of Presidential Orders to provide enforcement of emergency security needs under the Alien and Seditions Act." The report says that "massive construction" of new housing will be needed around current military bases in CONUS, as well as the "new construction of additional military bases on land achieved via federal eminent domain."
The purpose for expanding territory around existing military bases and erecting new bases is to "provide quarters for family members of military and law enforcement personnel in a secure environment to eliminate any danger to them from elements hostile to the President's order to arrest, detain, and if necessary, kill domestic enemies attempting an armed campaign resulting from opposition to martial law and its effects."
Going down to a final paragraph in the Report, it states that "Group 12" of P-2025-M is finalizing its review of global reaction to the return of US military personnel from allied countries. Apparently there are two or more "groups" working on P-2025-M, of which "M" is mentioned in a footnote to be "Military". "P" can be presumed to be "Project".
Meanwhile, my pal Mike #10 is reporting a major stink in Los Angeles where the South African editor of the L.A. Times has compelled the resignation of his Editorial Board director whom he opposed for wanting the Board to endorse Harris this election. Mike #10 is reporting that a large group of Times employees are suspecting the Times owner of having a "relationship" with the Communist Chairman, Xi, in China. The group is also devoting massive work to identify any commo between the Times owner and his fellow South African, Elon Musk.
More later as Mike's report in...
Signed (D/W redacted)
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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16 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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15 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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14 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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13 Oct 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Special Report #15..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
Huallaga And The Son Tay Raider
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13 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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12 Oct 2024, 18:36 PST, 3rd Edition
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Saturday Evening Think Piece: "Constitution or candidate?.... ":
Donald Trump said today that China and Russia are not our enemies. Trump said that our "real" enemies are the non-citizens living and working in our country. Trump says that we have to deport all of our immigrants.
So am I to understand that all of the Soviet leaders after WW2 and now the leader in Russia is our friend, and after all of the things they have done to make the world miserable for the past eighty years was out of 'friendship'???
And am I to now believe, according to Donald Trump, that the Chinese who are spying on us, stealing our technology, and interfering with our economy and our elections since China became a Communist country in 1949 has been out of 'friendship'???
And am I to now believe, according to Donald Trump, that the immigrants who have settled and worked in our country, and raised three generations of new Americans since the end of WW2 have been working harder to destroy our country more than Russia and China who supported conflicts that cost thousands of American lives???
And am I to now believe, according to Donald Trump, that if we deport the millions of immigrants now in our country that Russia and China will suddenly stop working to take over the countries nearest them, and stop working to undermind our economy, and stop funding segregationist, racist and anti-democratic organizations here in the U.S. so that they can invade and take us over???
I then need to ask how much longer after Trump deports Asians and Hispanics from our country, will he turn his sights on our black Americans? And at what time during the process of Trump going after our Asian, Hispanic and black Americans will those groups now serving in our military up and quit... leaving our military so small that it will be a cake walk for China and Russia to gobble up their neighboring countries knowing that the US doesn't have a military capable of stopping them?
Hitler deported millions of Germans he felt should have no citizenship in Germany. But after WW2 started he had to bring in three times as many foreigners than he deported (or killed) to work in his military industry factories. And then he had to maintain a large army of Germans to remain in Germany to prevent an uprising among the slave laborers he brought into Germany. By 1945 Hitler had more male, military-age foreigners in Germany than male, 'master-race' German citizens... and those foreigners understandably refused to help Hitler defend Germany because of the brutal and starving ways in which they were treated.
So what part of dictator history is Donald Trump missing. And how is it that there are so many Americans supporting Trump who think that they will be exempt from his dictatorial policies? Will the people who voted for Trump get a discount at the supermarket or gas station? Will the sons of the parents who voted for Trump be exempt from military service after multiple wars break out caused by the Chinese and Russians seeing American military weakness? And when Social Security, Medicare, ObamaCare and other social services are terminated under Trump, will all of the people who voted for Trump, along with their family members, have an exclusive privilege of receiving those benefits that will no longer exist? And can we expect countless suicides among Americans reaching retirement age who won't have Social Security to rely upon... just as we can expect very few young white males to enlist in our military as blacks and others are compelled to discharge and stop enlisting after Trump's Project 2025 all but eliminates the VA.
We already know from the horrible things Donald Trump has said about the men and women who serve in our military that many of them, perhaps in the thousands, will be applying for discharges should Trump be elected. Officers will resign their commissions and enlisted people will 'power down' their 'participation' until their enlistment cycle is up. Of course, as Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump can always order a resumption of The Draft. But would Donald Trump who fought so relentlessly to avoid military and war service have been a good soldier if he had been forced to serve? The answer is, of course, no! During the Vietnam War the ratio between future Fifth Columnists versus future soldiers graduating from US Army boot camps was 3-to-1... which is why we had to end The Draft. The US military wasn't helped by The Draft, it was severely harmed by The Draft.
Somehow the sane people in our country are going to have to get the insane people in our country to stop believing that they will be exempt and immune from any miseries Donald Trump and his Project 2025 planners have in store for everyone in our country who isn't a billionaire?
And lastly, we all have relatives living in every part of our country. What happens to the people living in States that didn't vote for Trump when he continues to tax them but refuses to provide federal funding or emergency federal support? Today Trump is going after cities like Springfield OH and Aurora CO. What cities will Trump declare less-than-American after he is elected? And can we be sure that all of the white people living in cities that have immigrant populations be assured that they will never have to fear the wrath of Donald Trump... and that any cross-race kids or relatives they have will not suffer for being less than 100% white?
Maybe it would be better if we kept our country and our democracy as it is but make improvements as we always have. With the threats coming from China, Russia, Iran and other enemies just chomping at the bit for the US to grow weak, and with the Israelis doing everything they can to cause gas prices to go up by turning the Middle East into flames, is it sane to discard our Constitution and replace it with a dictator who deems selling watches, keychains and tennis shoes with his name on them are more important than national defense?
The Germans who made the mistake of following Hitler, and the Italians who followed Mussolini, and the Japanese who followed Tojo all learned the hard way because those nations went insane. Let us recall that it was the US that restored their sanity. Do we really need to do to ourselves what stupid countries who adopted dictators did to themselves...
Other reports are Archived by The American War Library
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12 Oct 2024, 13:29 PST, 2nd Edition
"Constitution or candidate?..." con't:
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Someone asked, "Do we maintain our oath to our Constitution, or do we switch our loyalty to a candidate?"
Two historical statutes apply. One of them to one of the candidates, and the other to that candidate's followers: 1) "Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad". And 2) "The blind leading the blind."
D/W Redacted, S/A
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12 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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11 Oct 2024, 13:04 PST, 2nd Edition
"Constitution or candidate?...":
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The American War Library
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10 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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09 Oct 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
My pal Mike #17 reports today about a meeting held between six individuals whose names are listed as authors of various sections of Donald Trump's Project 2025. These six people are what is called the Project's "PEC" (Policy Execution Council).
The purpose of the meeting was to organize a strategy to be implemented precisely on Nov 8th, three days after the national election. The strategy calls for Donald Trump, if he is declared the winner of the election, to issue a statement calling for the current President and VP (Biden and Harris) to immediately resign their offices so that "the new President doesn't have to wait three months to assume the presidency."
One of the primary reasons for this early transition, stated by one of the members, was to prevent Biden from exercising the Supreme Court's ruling that President's can commit any act that the court deems within his official capacity. Four of the six members stressed that their greatest fear would be that Biden might make an executive decision that prevented Trump from assuming office the following January. One of the people at the meeting brought up the fact that the Supreme Court ruling allowed the current President to "use SEAL TEAM 6" to assassinate Trump before Trump could take office, "or Biden could order some other final solution to eliminate Trump."
One of the six people in the meeting strongly objected to the plan on the basis that it will highly inflame those Americans who voted for Harris to the point of nationwide anarchy. This person left the meeting abruptly when the five others in the meeting gave virulent argument.The five then sorted out another option that Trump would not immediately take office should Biden and Harris resign, but rather Speaker-of-the-House Mike Johnson would temporarily assume the Presidency until Jan 20, 2025.
Whether or not it would be Trump or Johnson who took over after a Biden-Harris early departure, all five were fierce on the subject of Biden and Harris leaving office within days of a Trump victory being essential. The five then spent two hours and thirty-seven minutes laboring over the language of the statement they would recommend Donald Trump issuing on November 8th.
More later as Mike reports it.
Signed (D/W redacted)
"In Memory of my mentor William K. 'Big Bill' Harvey"
Electricity is the High Priest of False Security
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09 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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08 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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07 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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06 Oct 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Tactical Takeaway #18..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
The White Report
TACTICAL TAKEAWAY #18 -- From 26 Dec 2021
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06 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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05 Oct 2024, 15:04 PST, 3rd Edition
"My ballot arrived in the mail today...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "Being the muy macho, manly stud that I am, I really wanted to make sure the candidate I chose got elected so I mailed my ballot today that I got in the mail today. I filled it out in less than two minutes and gave it back to my letter carrier who politely waited."
It took slow-a**, senile Joe Biden three-and-a-half years to repair the MSPB, which he only completed this week. But the only reason why Biden finally decided to get MSPB working again after Trump all but decimated it is because Donald Trump has it listed as one of the worker-protection programs to be flat-lined under his Project 2025.
I am so very glad Biden was dumped by the Democrats. Biden will surpass Obama as being our worst President for failing to fix our broken systems. Obama wanted to spend all of his time traveling and golfing. Biden spent most of his time in a coma.
(D/W Redacted), G/S
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05 Oct 2024, 12:51 PST, 2nd Edition
"My ballot arrived in the mail today...":
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Being the muy macho, manly stud that I am, I really wanted to make sure the candidate I chose got elected so I mailed my ballot today that I got in the mail today. I filled it out in less than two minutes and gave it back to my letter carrier who politely waited.
If you want to know who I voted for President, I will give you my reasons who I voted for whom I did. Then you can figure out who my choice was.
These are a few of the considerations I gave my vote...
1. If Harris wins, DEA would continue to exist. If Trump wins, DEA may be wiped out of the budget.
2. But even if Trump allows DEA to continue, he would probably appoint a pardoned drug criminal to be our Administrator. If Harris wins, the worse thing she could do is keep Milgram and not replace her with Jamie Gorelick
3. Some of my best friends, and a couple of my family members are black. If Trump wins their birth citizenship will eventually be in jeopardy because Trump is a Nazi. If Harris wins everyone born in this country, regardless of their skin color, will keep their citizenship whole.
4. Bill Barr just announced he will be voting for Trump. If Trump wins he will find ways to force the only three fair-minded people off of the Supreme Court and then give Barr one of their seats. Barr is a despicable human being. I heard the Trump is also considering 'Turtle' McConnell for the Supremes.
5. There WILL be a Civil War if Trump wins because the changes he has said he would make, including voiding the Constitution, will require a Civil War that will compel half of the people serving in our military to quit so that they can fight against Trump's planned MAGA-military.
I had a lot more reasons for choosing the person I voted for. But I think that by now you can surmise who she is.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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05 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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04 Oct 2024, 13:29 PST, 2nd Edition
"Thanks for the mission...":
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03 Oct 2024, 22:04 PST, 4th Edition
"Miami blues...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "It's going around that a group of our S/A's in Miami have got it into their heads that they can keep certain counties in FL from 'going blue' on election day by telling the drug suspects they arrest that the only reason why they are in handcuffs is because 'Kamala Harris put out an order for a half-million drug arrests in Florida!'"
No doubt these S/A yahoo's in FL and NY doing this BS probably think they are being cute and funny. But they won't be laughing long if Trump gets elected and soon-after some of the 01/06 Proud Boys he grants full pardons to will be occupying desks in our DEA and FBI offices. And also no doubt that they will get promotions a lot faster than the career S/A's because having been in jail those former Proud Boys have not only proven their loyalty to Donald Trump, they will have his undying respect for spending time in jail for him.
Let's see who gets the last laff if Trump wins the election in a few weeks...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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03 Oct 2024, 21:49 PST, 3rd Edition
"Miami blues...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "It's going around that a group of our S/A's in Miami have got it into their heads that they can keep certain counties in FL from 'going blue' on election day by telling the drug suspects they arrest that the only reason why they are in handcuffs is because 'Kamala Harris put out an order for a half-million drug arrests in Florida!' "
Forget about the above nonsense. It's just a few mental-midget S/A's in FL, NY and a couple of ruby-red districts thinking they can get some people not to vote for Harris. Totally sophomoric! And a violation of the Hatch Act. But our Administrator doesn't have a clue, much less a desire to tell a few cowboys to cut out the crap!
Meanwhile, our entire country has more serious stuff to worry about now that Benjamin Netanyahu is in a serious position to sway the November election toward Donald Trump simply by carrying out his threat to destroy some if not all of Iran's oil refineries.
Netanyahu is now in full charge of one possible future. Because if Iran cannot move any oil the Saudi's, Venezuela and others will escalate into Greed-Plus mode by raising the price of their oil. And that will send American and UK drivers madder than Hell at their leaders who are impotent... especially Joe Biden. Biden will balk at releasing the strategic reserve or temporarily canceling the federal gas tax to keep gas affordable... at least as long as it takes for Biden's son and his two brothers to rake in a hundred or so million into their pockets over the crises.
Donald Trump, who is already in Full-Liar-Plus mode, will lie and say he can bring gas prices back down and panicking people will believe him... and vote for him.
Should Trump win the election Ukraine will be toast and the greatest genocide in human history will happen in Israel where every non-Jew in Gaza and the West Bank will be slaughtered by the IDF and Jewish Klansmen.
Everything will go downhill from there in the West, as Putin and Netanyahu get a new lease on life.
Forget about a handful of moron S/A's in FL and NY who think they are playing a game. Netanyahu is not playing when he says he is thinking about destroying Iran's oil output.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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03 Oct 2024, 11:09 PST, 2nd Edition
"Miami blues...":
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What the Hell is going on in Florida!?!
It's going around that a group of our S/A's in Miami have got it into their heads that they can keep certain counties in FL from 'going blue' on election day by telling the drug suspects they arrest that the only reason why they are in handcuffs is because "Kamala Harris put out an order for a half-million drug arrests in Florida!"
Who started this lie??? And why are S/A's in NY now doing the same thing???
Is Milgram's office aware of this??? And if not, why not???
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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03 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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02 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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01 Oct 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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30 Sep 2024, 17:38 PST, 3rd Edition
"The world would be a better place...":
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I watched a Trump speech yesterday when he said Kamala Harris was a liar. He immediately followed up with, "I think she was born that way." Trump received a standing ovation from the whites attending his speech.
I remember growing up in (D/W redacted) where my Grandparents taught their kids, and my father taught me and my siblings, that "all black people are natural born thieves and liars."
The ovation Trump got when he said Harris was "born a liar", showed that many white parents are still teaching their kids that untruth.
The Jews here in the US and over in Israel believe that Israel would be a better place if every Muslim and Christian living inside Israel's borders would either be killed or removed. Trump and his followers obviously believe that our country would be a better place if America's only inhabitants were white... and militant Christian.
Trump wants to forcibly send all non-whites "back to where" their ancestors "came from".
Trump also plans to fire all Civil Servants working for the federal government... but we all know that what he really means is he wants to (first) fire everyone who isn't white.
Adolph Hitler wanted to kill every Jew on the planet, and he would have done so if he hadn't lost all of his nuclear scientists to the US and won WW2 by building an atom bomb before America did. Some of those leading nuclear scientists who escaped Hitler's Germany to come to the US were Jews.
What success in 'whitening' the US is Trump and his followers planning should they win the election in November? We know that millions of Hispanics will be the first he will deport using the US military and white-para-military groups like the Proud Boys. How long after will our blacks be forcibly put on boats back to Africa... or will J.D. Vance win the black-exclusion argument by convincing Trump to return every black person in the US to Slavery?
Our black and brown DEA employees need to think seriously about their future after November 6th.
And for those blacks here who -- like so many Jews who ended up in an oven -- think that it would be better for them to be a pet rather than prey, they need to remember that the Nazis didn't allow Jews as pets... just as American black POW's during WW2 in Europe were ordered to be shot immediately upon capture. Few escaped death. And Donald Trump has all but openly made it Kristallnacht-clear that he is a dyed-in-the-wool Nazi.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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30 Sep 2024, 10:41 PST, 2nd Edition
"All because the cowardly GOP Senate refused to convict Donald Trump...":
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For the second time in American history a US President is calling for law enforcement and civilians to engage in a massive violence operation targeting other Americans who think or look different.
Using the misdemeanor offense of "shoplifting" as an excuse for instituting a national emergency, Donald Trump is now asking all of his supporters to make a "day of violence" to get "rough" with "criminals" and those who oppose his re-election in a repeat of January 6th, 2020 on a country-wide scale.
Needless to say, Donald Trump wants his supporters, with law enforcement help, to use violence to eradicate his political opponents just as he directed them against the Capitol in 2020 to kill the Speaker of the House and his own Vice President who refused to create a Constitutional crises that would prevent the elected winner, Joe Biden, from moving into the White House.
Law enforcement participation, or even 'looking the other way' at violent acts will necessitate military intervention.
One of the many questions I wonder about is what will evolve if innocent family members of law enforcement or military personnel get hurt or killed in Trump's 'day of violence'? Won't such occurrences divide police departments and military units creating a civil war between Americans?
Russia and China must be relishing Donald Trump's effort to destabilize our country to the point of rendering us incapable of defending against global aggression.
Second question, after going through 01/06/2020, why is the Biden WH, the Garland DOJ and the Joint Chiefs not taking any action against a veiled national insurrection request by Donald Trump using the guise of reducing 'shoplifting'???
And does anyone seriously believe that Donald Trump wants his national 'Purge' or 'Kristallnacht' to be limited only to 'shoplifters'???
(D/W Redacted), G/S
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30 Sep 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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29 Sep 2024, 17:22 PST, 5th Edition
"Declare impotency, demand budget increase...":
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Three weeks ago the Acting SS Director made a public appeal requesting more agents, money and equipment as he blamed SS "deficiencies" and not SS incompetence for one failed assassination attempt and one thwarted assassination attempt on Trump... someone whom millions of Americans would very much like to wake up in the morning to hear on the news that (Trump) died in his sleep.
Yesterday the ICE Director pulled a fast one by exploiting Trump's illegal immigrant threat into demanding more agents and more money. The ICE Director is claiming that over one hundred thousand illegal aliens convicted of crimes in their home countries are now in the US... with over 11,000 of those being violent criminals.
The question is, did the ICE Director clear this public announcement through the Biden-Harris WH? And if so, why would the WH feed into Trump's hysterical fear campaign by allowing a public official to further frighten the American people, especially when the FBI is saying that illegal aliens not only do not pose anymore of a dangerous threat to the American public than violent American citizens, but also that illegal aliens pose LESS of a threat than violent Americans.
Obviously, the ICE Director was following the SS Director's lead in trying to grow his agency, with total disregard of his statements directly harming the Biden/Harris WH and Harris' candidacy.
Good thing for the ICE Director that Biden is senile because a President on his toes would have instantly fired or demoted the ICE Director and emplaced a new Director who would inform the American public they can continue go to their beds safe at night... while at the same time booting his agents onto the street to find and arrest any violent illegal aliens working in plain sight because it is highly unlikely that over one hundred thousand illegal aliens have all had plastic surgery to alter their looks, or had skin graphs to give them new fingerprints...
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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29 Sep 2024, 13:29 PST, 4th Edition
"Neither Trump nor Harris is saying...":
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Neither Trump nor Harris are telling Americans that the Mexican drug cartels have been fueling illegal immigration into our country for decades to distract US border LE away from drug shipments crossing the border... and that American illegal drug users are primarily responsible for funding the Mexican cartels.
Of course, Schumer could as soon as tomorrow put the Border Bill back up for a vote on the Senate floor that Trump ordered his Republican cohorts to kill earlier this year... and in her role as President of the Senate, Harris should be publicly instructing Schumer to make that vote happen so that the American public can witness, again in real time, Trump tell Republicans to keep the border problem a problem.
(D/W Redacted), S/A, USBP
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29 Sep 2024, 12:06 PST, 3rd Edition
"Politicians getting our COL 2025...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "COL's are not intended for the public need, they are intended for corporate greed."
I remember back during the $1200 Obama bailout my water heater broke down. I called a local repair company who told me a new heater was needed and it would cost $1200. I said no. The owner of that company called back an hour later to tell me that he could repair it, "good as new" for $379.
Around that same time one of my neighbor's told me that her car battery drained overnight and it messed up her GPS, which is common in VW's. The VW repair place she called for a repair estimate told her it would cost $1200. She ended up fixing it using a part she bought on Amazon for $170.
When companies know that citizens are getting a bailout or COL they immediately raise their prices to get every nickel of that bailout or COL.
No doubt tens of thousands of Americans suddenly found the cost of something they really needed was $1200 when the $1200 Obama bailout was announced. Companies who rip-off Americans should be driven out of business and their owners jailed. But during election seasons when it is the politicians themselves who are the ultimate beneficiaries of price increases, nothing will legislatively happen to stop the rip-off.
A short time after my water heater experience I learned that the guy at the water heater repair shop who quoted me "$1200" was a drug user. I won't specify any details, except to say that he shortly thereafter spent four months in the county jail.
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29 Sep 2024, 10:05 PST, 2nd Edition
"From the Archives: Street Fighter #10..."Click the underlined Subject Title above to email notification to someone about this Report...
SPECIAL REPORT -- The White Report
Street Fighter, Part Ten, 27 Aug 2017
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29 Sep 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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28 Sep 2024, 14:29 PST, 2nd Edition
"Politicians getting our COL 2025...":
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The 2025 COL increase coming within weeks will not cover the rising costs of everything else in an election year when corporations are raising their fees and prices (in some cases as much as 40%) to pay for their political donations to buy votes in the WH and Congress. The corporate price increases you are now seeing added to your home costs, phone, streaming and other monthly charges are going straight into political campaigns from the corporations.
And because politicians are the ultimate beneficiaries of our COL they won't do anything to stop the rip-off.
COL's are not intended for the public need, they are intended for corporate greed.
(D/W Redacted)
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28 Sep 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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26 Sep 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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25 Sep 2024, 13:04 PST, 3rd Edition
"Life expectancy...", con't:
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Earlier today someone wrote: "With Biden's not-so-secret promise to provide Israel all of the military equipment and munitions it needs to invade Lebanon and the West Bank, Benjamin Netanyahu knows that he has only forty days left before the US election in November to kill as many Palestinians and grab as much of their land as possible because he suspects that Harris will win the election and unilaterally declare Palestine an independent state."
As I write this thousands of American and British troops (mostly Natl Guard and Reservists) are being prepared for military service in Allied countries in the Middle East where the US Joint Chiefs have assessed will face massive internal anger from their citizens who oppose their government's support of the US working with Israel to kill Palestinians in an upcoming Israeli offensive.Certain American hospital directors have been alerted to make beds available to incoming American wounded.
(D/W Redacted), Dept of State
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25 Sep 2024, 10:38 PST, 2nd Edition
"Life expectancy...", con't:
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With Biden's not-so-secret promise to provide Israel all of the military equipment and munitions it needs to invade Lebanon and the West Bank, Benjamin Netanyahu knows that he has only forty days left before the US election in November to kill as many Palestinians and grab as much of their land as possible because he suspects that Harris will win the election and unilaterally declare Palestine an independent state. When that happens Netanyahu and Israeli real estate developers expect to assert that all of the land that the IDF or Israeli settlers currently occupy (as of Jan 20th, 2025) will be owned by Israel and cannot be given back to the few Palestinian survivors of his intended Holocaust. Biden's "official act" of supporting land theft and mass extermination will protect him from US prosecution. Unfortunately Biden will escape international prosecution simply by doing what Kissinger and Bush Jr have done, which is to never leave the US unless visiting a foreign state that can physically prevent his arrest by the World and International Criminal Courts. Signed, Back on Sep 2nd someone wrote: "Netanyahu: More than half his people want to see him imprisoned. Some want him dead."
(D/W Redacted), DeptDef
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25 Sep 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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24 Sep 2024, 14:36 PST, 3rd Edition
"4,000 new agents needed...", con't:
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Someone wrote: "The fact is, we are NOT doing enough to keep illegal drugs out of the hands of our citizens. And because no illegal drug users have attempted to assassinate Donald Trump we will never get the 4,000 new agents we need to bring illegal drug use down."
Hiring 4,000 new agents is needed, but not until we get rid of the sitting SAC's who have no desire to push their agents out of the office and onto the street to arrest dealers and users. With some of the SACs we have today, 3,000 of those 4,000 new agents will be kept in their offices pushing paper from one side of their desk to the other side.
Someone said it right a long time ago... 'We are not a Law Enforcement agency, we are a retirement-in-waiting agency.'
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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24 Sep 2024, 12:09 PST, 2nd Edition
"4,000 new agents needed...":
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FBI reports that crime during 2023 was down from previous years. Our agency (DEA) does not, and cannot, issue an annual report on illegal drug use because it would be too embarrassing for our HQ to report that illegal drug use in 2023 up UP from previous years... with no sign of illegal drug use going down this year.
The fact is, we are NOT doing enough to keep illegal drugs out of the hands of our citizens. And because no illegal drug users have attempted to assassinate Donald Trump we will never get the 4,000 new agents we need to bring illegal drug use down.
(D/W Redacted), S/A
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24 Sep 2024, 10:00 PST, 1st Edition
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